You Free Weekly Horoscope for the Week of the 25th October 2010

Aries. The next month or so should be spent finishing up all those projects you started earlier this year but never quite finished. Something you invested in last year should start to pay off in December. Changes that have been taking place this past week will have a beneficial affect on your finances. You may not realise that fact for another two months or so. Other people are current or about to be making demands on your time and energy.

Taurus. As the moon last Friday may have given you a nudge, you will probably have finalised some plans. If you put your plans off for too long then you may lose your good opportunity. You have a tendency lately to put off things that you know should be done. You are trying too much investigation and not enough of a gambling spirit. Someone else could step in and take your place. Listen to your partner and take their good advice.

Gemini. As usual, other people are making demands on your time and you do not seem to have even enough time for yourself. The changes that have taken place this past week are good for you even if they have caused upset in your life. A nice opportunity should be coming your way around mid December when things have finally settled down in your life and you feel more like meeting the challenge.

Cancer. Your time for expansion is over for now but will return again starting in February and lasting through to the end of June. Right now you are going over the things you have accomplished recently. You are redoing some of them. You are also looking at any opportunities you may have missed along the way. At least that is what you should be doing. You get a second chance in mid December at something you may have missed.

Leo. The changes that occurred this past week will be felt later on when there is more money jingling in your pocket. Opportunities that have been overlooked in the recent past should be presenting themselves again within the next seven weeks. Perhaps this time you can take advantage of one of them. Something that has seemingly taken forever to happen is due to be completed by mid December and then the fun should begin.

Virgo. Now is the time to work on your favorite projects since everything you do now should go along very smoothly and without a hitch. Once you start, you will find that your moods are increasingly better. A sense of accomplishment feels good. You seem to be retracing your steps and finding new ways to do things. You did not handle them too well the last time around. Tackle the hard part now and surprise yourself.

Libra. Your finances should finally be increasing now that some changes have been made. If you have recently passed up an opportunity, it will be come around again in mid December. Be ready to grasp it at that time. A new type of savings program should be started now. Also start a common sense new budget. Restless energy plagues you for the next few weeks so you may need to do some exercise to blow off a bit of steam. Also get out more often.

Scorpio. Exciting plans and doings are in store for you this month. Be careful of overdoing or over stating your position and or promises. In your enthusiasm, it will be too easy to say, do, or promise too much. Stick with your goal even if sometimes it seems to be out of reach. By January you should be able to see clearly where you are going. Your intended goals will be decided by then.

Sagittarius. Your love life is not running as smoothly as you wish this month. Next month is much better. Meanwhile, some old missed opportunities are coming up once again and this time you need to be ready to firmly grab one of them. Money is going out too fast and you need a much better plan. A wonderful trip could be offered to you in December so you need to save funds for it if you want to go.

Capricorn. Your timing for the next couple of weeks is excellent and it seems that you can do nothing wrong at this time. It is a busy but productive period for you. Money and finances are greatly improved. If you need a loan, go for it now while the rates are low. You seem to be retracing your steps to catch what you missed before either in business or real estate. The thought of expansion is over for now and must wait until mid February.

Aquarius. You may be quite easily depressed over the next two weeks with all the changes that have taken place in the world around you and in your own life. These were changes that were meant to be and it will all work out eventually in your favor. You must get busy and seek out some new opportunities for yourself. You are very sensitive, imaginative and psychic now so see if you can make these gifts work for you.

Pisces. People out there are actually listening to your ideas and thoughts now so make the most of it whilst you can. Somebody may offer you a get away trip or vacation. Be sure you say yes. With someone else footing the bill of course, you will not need much money. With a great aspect in your favor, anything you do during the next two weeks or so should turn out very well for you so get busy and do something important.

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