Much has been written on web design but there are few articles on the mistakes that even an experienced webdesign Hamburg agency can make. Some websites look beautiful but they don’t get enough traffic because the visitors don’t find these sites fully functional. In this article, we would discuss the features that make a site fully functional and useful for the visitors.

First mistake is slow downloading speed. Ideally a site should decently download within 15 seconds on every browser. In technical terms, it is called cross-browser compatibility. An Internet user doesn’t wait for more than 15 seconds for a website to download and also a user doesn’t change his favorite browser just to visit a website.

Second mistake is poor navigation. Some sites look compelling but they give fewer options, when the visitors look for more information on the site. A website that makes a visitor scroll up and down for information is going to lose visitors and business. There are many websites and visitors would simply click back from poorly managed sites instead of wasting time in scrolling up and down.

Third mistake is too many advertisements. Ads can be beneficial for your business but they can be irritating for your visitors. For instance take a flash ad that starts without any prior warning every time the user clicks on an internal link. If you website has such a flash advertisement then you are certainly going to lose visitors just because of that advertisement.

Fourth mistake is background music. Some sites start with a bang as they have music playing in the background. Visitors don’t expect a site to download with a bang. Webdesign Hamburg agencies should understand the mistakes and avoid making the silly mistakes otherwise they would have to work again and again on the sites.

Webdesign Hamburg agencies should learn from their past mistakes. In the zeal to create unique design and content, web developers cross their limits and start experimenting with the visitors’ preference. Visitors hate to be guided as they want to explore the websites on their own sweet will.

But not all webdesign Hamburg agencies are alike as there are some firms that make just perfect design that works well for both the search engines and the visitors. If you are planning to launch a website then make sure that your web designer makes no silly mistake that could be harmful for your web business.

Author's Bio: 

Jeremy Morgenroth is a senior Internet Marketer Consultant who offers quality web designing, development, hosting and search engine optimization services. He has been writing articles, blogs and press releases on websites and web marketing.For more information visit Webdesign Hamburg and Telefonanlage Virtuelle .