There is an argument that there is no difference in the Bible between the mind and the heart. But here I will use the mind as the intellectual thinking part of man and the heart the emotional part of man.

There is a thought that the mind is the conscience and the heart is the sub-conscience. You may be able to guess what a person is thinking, but you can’t guess there heart.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:16 that “we have the mind of Christ.” Paul also tells us to “renew our minds” in Romans 12:2. How do we renew our minds? We must pick up our Bible and read the Word of God every day.
I believe many Christians have the mind of Christ, but very few have the heart of Christ. Why do I say this? Because I see Christians saying the right things, quoting scripture, and having the appearance of godliness but if you put what they say to the test it wouldn’t reflect them.

There are many prejudice Christians. That is an oxymoron how can you have Christian and prejudice in the same sentence, because Christians are suppose to love all people. Jesus commanded us to go to the nations (all races). And if you hate another race you are not a Christian.

It is easy to say we love the sinner and not the sin. Yet, when a homosexual crosses your path you avoid them or don’t have two words to say to them. Others will condemn them out right to their faces. That is why it is always said that we think we are better than everyone else and we are also called a bunch of hypocrites because we all sin and sin is sin no sin is better or worse than another God sees them as all the same.

There is a saying in the body of Christ is that we kill our wounded. When someone back slides we condemn them to death. Paul tells us in Galatians 6:1-2 that “if one is overtaken in a fault those who are spiritual are suppose to restore them in a spirit of meekness considering yourself lest you also be tempted and we are to bear each other’s burdens.”

How would you feel if you were in their shoes? How would you want to be treated? We have to get off our high horses and stop looking down at people. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:12 “let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”

These things are heart issues and like I said very few have the heart of Christ. To have the heart of Christ is to have the love of God in you. A love not just in you but that can be seen by the whole world. It is the heart of Christ that will move you with compassion and not berate.

In 1John 4:8 John says “he who does not love does not know God because God is love.” That is a very powerful statement, because by that statement very few Christians know God. Peter even says in 1 Peter 4:8 “that we are to love each other deeply for love covers a multitude of sins.”

If you have the heart of Christ you should be overflowing with love, compassion, sympathy, empathy, kindness, affection, generosity, patience, gentleness, goodness, humility, joy, etc… But like I said very few have the heart of Christ.

We can intellectualize all day but in the end it is only the heart that matters. God even tells us in 1 Samuel 16:7 “He does not see as man sees man looks on the outward appearance but He looks at the heart.”

We must come to a place where we are not just intellectual Christians but also heart Christians. My cry every day is “Christ give me a heart like You.” Will you cry with me? It’s won’ be easy and it won’t happen overnight and you will be tested. You may stumble but just get back up. The Bible tells us that with God all things are possible and all things are possible to him that believes.

Do you have the heart of Christ?

Author's Bio: 

Eric L. Huntley is a minister and writer. If you want to be of help to his ministry you can purchase his book Glorifying God at Barnes and Noble or Amazon.