Royal Jelly/Bee Pollen: know the saying Busy Little Bees? Bees are one of the most hardworking species out there, and consume a huge amount of energy doing what they do. Take a leaf from their book and buy some Royal Jelly or Bee Pollen, usually found in health food stores. They are chocked-full of b-vitamins, protein, enzymes and minerals.
Increase your stamina by taking the herbal supplement ginseng. Ginseng is nature's caffeine, without the addictive properties or nasty side effects. It's found in some energy drinks, but you can find it in any health food store in it's pure form. It also boosts your immune system, so that's a plus!
Kola: Called Gotu Kola leaves are a wonderful way to increase your energy. It's typically used in either food dishes like curry, or as a tea. Interestingly, it has both properties of stimulating your circulatory system and acting as a calming agent. It is also thought to help with the effects of hyper tension. Packed with nutrients, it is also very typically used as a way to fight fatigue and depression.
What's free and falls from the sky every time it rains? Water! Take advantage of the fact that water is free and drink some more of mother natures bounty. Did you know that the caffeine in soda is a diuretic ? Did you also know that being just 2% dehydrated causes fatigue and dulls your mental capabilities. So drink up! If you are a soda drinker (even caffeine free), drink a glass of water for every glass of soda. Your body will thankyou.
Don't skip breakfast! Many of us choose to "break the fast" with a cup of joe. That's not what your body wants! After resting for a number of hours, it's begging for some nourishment and rehydration. Take the time to eat something shortly after waking, even if it's just a piece of fruit. Then continue to eat every few hours. Keeping your blood sugar steady throughout the day will guarantee you being in top form to do what you need to get done.
Since we are discussing eating habits, I might as well mention that statistics prove you aren't getting enough protein in your diet. This is one of the two things that keep our blood sugars level throughout the day, and even blood sugar means consistent energy. Try to throw a couple of string cheese sticks or hard boiled eggs in your lunch for a quick way to get some quality protein. For vegetarians, nuts are a great source of protein, another is nutritional yeast as a supplement.
A second thing to impact your energy levels immediately: fiber! Adding fiber to your diet keeps your blood sugar down as well, and aids digestion. Throw a couple of pieces of fruit in with your lunch and you're set!
Exercise: You knew this one was coming. But there's a reason it continue to be included on the list: it works! You don't have to kill yourself running a 3k to get the energy benefits; brisk walking for 10 minutes has shown to up energy levels. If you are looking to maximize the benefits, work up to 30 minutes a day. You'll be more energetic, and your heart will love you for it.
To learn the single most helpful way to give your energy level a significant kick, visit my website.
High Energy For Life Reviews - where to go for all the info on high energy for life.
Medical student by day, freelance health writer by night.
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