Have you ever considered what your body is saying when you are addressing an audience – even just talking in your living room or sitting at the kitchen table? Referred to as body language, non-verbal communication is expressed by the posture of your body, your gestures and even your face.

The question I would ask you is what your body language expresses when you speak? Does it match the emotion you are feeling? Or does it say something different? It is also possible that your body language is expressing no emotion, as well as your facial expression and your voice.

The best way to judge your non-verbal communication skills is to record yourself with a video camera. You should practice this both with a prepared speech or presentation as well as in conversation with family, friends, and/or colleagues. Put your recorder on and then forget about it because you will probably be very self-conscious in the beginning.

When you watch the playback, take note of your stance, your posture, the movement of your arms and hands, and also the expression on your face as you speak. What did you see?

The 1st thing you must assess is your attitude or mood. Did it match what you were discussing? For example, if you were talking to friends about tickets you won to the World Series, were you able to hear the excitement in your voice? Was there delight on your face? And, if so, what was your body language saying at that moment? If you were sitting or standing perfectly still, can you appreciate that your body was not speaking the same language as your face and voice?

Perhaps you were speaking to your colleagues, discussing a new computer program that would make your business more efficient. What was your body saying as you talked about the possibilities? Maybe you were too effusive, throwing your arms wildly in the air because of your passion and determination.

If you were standing, for example, and your feel were locked rigidly in one spot, trying moving your weight from one leg to another. As you speak, point with one hand (if it is conjunction with your words). Use your hands to emphasize what you are saying. Watch actors in movies, taking note of their body language, and learn from them or from professional speakers.

If your body language is saying one thing but your voice is telling a different story, then you leave your audience in question. Good body language complements your voice as well as your facial expression. Become a better judge of yourself by means of your video-recorder and learn from it. Don’t be afraid to allow your body and face to speak. You will be surprised at how much more natural you look and sound.

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Voice Dynamic and discover the best means of adding some life to your voice and your delivery.

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