According to a study recently reported from Baylor University, children who played 6 hours of videogames that aimed at health-promoting dietary choices ended up 2 months later eating more fruit and vegetables. While many research findings often give bad news about the unrestricted use of technology by children, this report shows how this powerful medium can definitely help kids .

“Parents need to become empowered and educated and have tools to become effective managers of kids’ home media consumption, much as they manage food consumption. Parents must actively manage content. Restriction alone is just not enough,” according to Dr. S. “Parents need confidence. At MyDigitalFamily, we try to give parents a new child- and family-centered medical, psychological, esthetic, and moral framework and tools to use when they make media-related decisions for their kids,” states Dr. Schwarz. Please, See for more.

Author's Bio: 

My Digital Family’s Dr. Eitan Schwarz practices child and family psychiatry in the Old Orchard Professional Building in Skokie, Illinois.

Following his University of Chicago and Michael Reese Chief Residencies, Dr. Schwarz settled in the Chicago area. Currently on the faculty of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Dr. Schwarz researches the use of digital media in therapy with children.