Safe sex is of paramount importance if you want a healthy and active sex life. Unsafe sex can lead to health problems and even debilitating conditions that will put you off sex for good. Safe sex isn’t too difficult to live by and takes nothing away from the enjoyment of sex.

Why is safe sex necessary?
There are people who are put off by the very idea of using protection like condoms. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Such people don’t realize the importance of having safe sex. The first thing that people must understand is that safe sex doesn’t mean boring sex. You can enjoy sex, even if you use protection. Think of this for a second: what will be worse, using some protection while having sex, or suffering from an infection caused by unprotected sex. You now have your answer. Sexually transmitted diseases are painful, irritating and have a long lasting effect on your body. Some of these spread easily, which increases the importance of having safe sex. Safe sex is not just about using a condom, but also covers many other aspects.

Safety during penetrative sex
It’s important that penetration is safe and does not lead to any complications for you or your partners. Penetration, as a part of sexual activity is of two types, namely vaginal penetration and anal penetration.

Vaginal penetration and safety
Put a condom on before penetrative vaginal sex. If there is going to be any genital contact, putting on a condom is a must. This becomes even more important if the woman isn’t using any reliable birth control. When it comes to live sperm and germs, they are going to be found in large numbers at the tip of your erection. So, it’s really not necessary to penetrate or ejaculate in order to cause pregnancy or infect your partner. This is why protection is so important.

Anal penetration and safety
Special condoms are available that have a lot of lubrication and are also non-spermicidal in nature. Such condoms don’t contain chemicals that kill sperm. They also contain extra water and are covered with a silicone lubricant. It’s important that the condom contains sufficient lubrications so that your partner doesn’t feel any discomfort during penetration. Also, make sure that you use an extra strong condom. You don’t want it to burst while it’s in the anus. Don’t use the same condom that you have used for anal sex, for vaginal penetration.

Protection during foreplay
Exercise protection even during foreplay. If you are suffering from cuts or sores, you need to cover them up. You can use waterproof plasters. You might also want to look at using latex gloves if the cuts are on your fingers. If you are indulging in a bit of anal foreplay, it’s important that you clean your hands thoroughly before indulging in vaginal foreplay. Making this a ground rule while having sex is going to protect you from infection.

Protection while using sex toys
You need to ensure protection in this case, especially, if you are sharing a sex toy with your partner. The levels of protection remain the same as penetrative sex. You need to maintain the hygiene of your toys and clean them after use. Make a point of cleaning the toy after each partner has used the toy. More importantly, if you are into bondage sex, then the related toys should be kept for your use only and you shouldn’t share them with others. This is because there can be occasions when the use of such toys will draw blood. Personal use of the toy will ensure that there are no infections.

Protection during masturbation
Masturbation is quite safe and doesn’t present you with any major problems when it comes to protection. But, there is a chance that a disease from another part of your body can infect your genitals, if you have not washed your hands thoroughly before masturbation.

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Webmaster would present the information on range of sex toys and also male sex toys and many more to enhance sexual pleasures and protection during sexual activity for men and women