Never tried to sell your products and solutions at a whiteboard? One thing is certain. If you don’t try out visual story selling…you are guaranteed not to improve.
“Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
—Samuel Beckett
In whiteboard story selling, you’ll have to ... Views: 1318
Worried about making mistakes in front of important clients? If presenting and selling with a whiteboard is in your future, it helps to know what to watch out for…and how to recover instantly.
Many subject matter experts worry about appearing professional and poised in front of decision ... Views: 1500
How can you look like a pro selling with stories at the whiteboard? To achieve results, you’ll want to use whiteboards to increase interaction and get people talking. Learn the top 3 secrets to gain a competitive edge.
Top sales performers are selling more using whiteboard presentations. Are ... Views: 1303
Brring. The alarm is sounding. Wake up. Your audience doesn’t want to hear your data. So, what should you do about it?
Scientists, subject matter experts and researchers know this truth. The audience is overloaded with information. They will check out faster than you can say, “Boo!” if you ... Views: 1399
Do you get respect when giving a business presentation? Or do people pass over what you have to say…so your ideas never see the light of day?
Many young managers struggle with how to get respect. More experienced professionals have a tendency to judge younger managers—assuming they lack life ... Views: 1762
Presenting to customers and prospects? It’s amazing how much more effective sales presenting is when you open up conversations where everyone participates.
Sales presentations are remarkable opportunities to collaborate, discuss, answer questions and trouble shoot problems. Only one gigantic ... Views: 1273
Few skills make such a dramatic impact on the quality of your life as effective communication. At home. In the workplace. In daily life. When it comes to speaking, listening and presenting for impact…a little learning will bring you tremendous success.
In today’s workplace, professionals ... Views: 1143
Looking for a realistic approach to sales presenting? You’ll be delighted how easy it is to go from ‘anxious and uncertain’ to ‘fearless and loving’ it.’
If you find presenting to clients and prospects makes you feel sick to your stomach, lose your voice, get shaky knees or break out into a ... Views: 1436
Standing out in business presenting is a sure-fire way to get to the top. But it won’t happen if you’re relying on slick slides that don’t tell a powerful visual story.
More presenters these days are realizing the truth: poorly designed slides are not working. The slides that worked last ... Views: 1469
Last minute presentation…about to wreck your weekend? If your boss just called you in and told you about a Monday morning urgent pitch, you know the sinking feeling. What can you do?
Friday afternoon. You should be heading home for a relaxing weekend with your honey. Dream on. Instead of ... Views: 1932
What makes a seller unstoppable? Is it education, skills or product line? Is it natural talent? Find out exactly what they know…to achieve unstoppable success in your sales.
In business, there are always a handful of people who have the most coveted title. It isn’t the title of CEO. It isn’t ... Views: 1872
Looking to stand out with poise and presence in your company? Whether you’re the CEO or an aspiring leader, presenting at the whiteboard is a winning decision. If…you know how to present with skill, executive presence and authenticity.
Many leaders shy away from whiteboard presenting. At ... Views: 1492
Whether you’re a CEO or a full-time entrepreneur of a small business, you’ve got a story to tell. A new product. A powerful invention. A transformation. But how can you get other people to listen?
It’s tough to win attention, isn’t it? Most professionals agree that changing the way people ... Views: 1663
How do you process information? By taking notes. In traditional classes, we learned to write down everything. But for powerful selling, visual note taking at a whiteboard is much more powerful.
Curious how to pump up your whiteboard note taking? In talking with graphic facilitators, ... Views: 1548
Ever wonder how your sales team is really doing using a whiteboard in sales with customers and prospects? If your staff is dispersed in regions or working remotely, worrying about performance standards could be keeping you up at night.
Sleepless nights? If nightmares about performance are ... Views: 1855
New to sales presenting? If you’re feeling nervous, uncertain or fuzzy about how to do it well…here’s a fast track cure.
In sales presentation training, experts advise new sellers with a barrage of techniques, tips and pointers. The only problem? It’s an awful lot to learn all at once.
If ... Views: 1266
So, your sales staff is still relying exclusively on slides. Dave is struggling with the new slide deck from corporate (the one that doesn’t target his market.) Mary is grappling with new graphic guidelines that prevent her from making adaptations. What’s the solution?
What’s the best way to ... Views: 1304
Whiteboard skills are the darling of today’s top sellers. If you’re looking to boost your skills in selling with whiteboards, it pays to know what to avoid…and what to look for. Find out here.
Training in whiteboard interaction and selling is more rare than you might think. Here’s why: a lot ... Views: 1859
Planning a kick-off event or sales meeting? If you want to really engage your sales personnel, provide whiteboard selling skills and watch energy soar.
More and more sales departments are turning to whiteboard presenting and selling. Why? It works. Communicating at the whiteboard is a very ... Views: 1289
Learn whiteboard presenting in minutes not hours? It’s true!
When it comes to learning new skills, one thing is certain. It must be easy and fast. Whiteboard skills for selling and presenting are no exception.
The entire system for learning new whiteboard selling skills is rapid and easy. ... Views: 1359
“Let’s have a visual storyboarder capture our team meeting.” Sounds like a great idea, right? Wrong. Some folks will get up in arms about making the investment. Curious how to respond?
Planning big events often starts with requests and proposals. Committees review proposals to make smart ... Views: 1523
Whiteboard conversations are changing the selling game, giving small business owners the same advantage as their global competitors. Yet many entrepreneurs and small businesses feel that selling at the whiteboard can’t possibly be the answer.
Discover how you can use whiteboard conversations ... Views: 1408
After a recent presentation skills training, I had an interesting question from one of our participants. What is a truly collaborative presentation style?
I found it fascinating because we can learn so much from people who present in a collaborative manner. I recommend you take a moment right ... Views: 1481
Ever wonder why whiteboard presentations are so popular with creative teams? If you want to start saving headaches, time and money…whiteboard presenting is the way to go.
More and more teams use whiteboards to collaborate, design and share ideas. Game designers. Creative marketing teams. App ... Views: 1316
Big client presentation coming up? Set your compass on winning. To win, watch out for these costly presentation errors. These 5 common pitfalls are easy to avoid—if you start now.
Many presenters rely on old slides. They dust them out, combine them with each other, and head off to win the ... Views: 1237
Business presenting is a lot like professional sports. To challenge your competition, you must know everything about your opponent. How can you go into each presentation as prepared as a prize athlete? Find out here.
In sports, information about your competition is often readily available. ... Views: 982
What’s the secret to professional, polished and persuasive presentations? As there are never enough hours in the day, it’s essential to have a specific plan to upgrade your presentation in minutes. Find out how right now.
No time to lose? Big sales presentation this afternoon? If you’re under ... Views: 1060
Back in 7th grade, I learned a secret of high-impact presenting. The power of information layering. While tools and times have changed, the power of layers has stayed true. Here’s how it works.
People like to see the big picture first.
Simple, really. But, not necessarily commonly used. ... Views: 1760
Are your sales presentations falling flat? Do you have exceptional products, services and trainings…but no one ever seems to ‘get it’ and you don’t know why? If so, you’ll love these 5 easy steps.
Many experienced and new sales presenters struggle with speaking the language of their ... Views: 1331
Do you wish you had exceptional presentation skills? Are you are fed up with not getting noticed, not getting ahead, and being a wallflower? If so, it’s time to take a step forward.
Giving phenomenal presentations is a lot simpler than it looks. Imagine you are cooking a wonderful meal. ... Views: 1881
Giving a big sales presentation? If your pitch presentation is coming up, wouldn’t it help to know the secrets? You know…the ones that the pros never ever tell you.
You bet! Killer sales presenting is an art, science and system. Top performers have this down cold. They don’t wing it. They ... Views: 1289
Yes, minutes—not hours. Not days. Not all weekend. Not anymore. If you’re ready to connect with customers and prospects and share your solutions—here is the quick and easy way to design highly persuasive sales presentations.
Sales presenting is a critical part of professional business. If ... Views: 2510
Are you and your teams giving effective PowerPoint sales presentations? Or are you guilty of putting audiences to sleep?
While sales professionals have the best intentions, poor sales presentations often stems from poor planning. It’s not that you are intentionally abusing your audience. But ... Views: 1741
Maybe you’re at the top of your team, and wondering why you aren’t getting promoted. Or maybe you’re a young manager who wants to win respect and gain trust. Or perhaps you’re a budding entrepreneur who wants to win attention for your hot new business.
No matter where you are, you are ... Views: 1199
Not feeling too creative? But need a killer whiteboard sales story—for tomorrow’s client meeting? Find out how to ace your presentation with 4 rapid creativity tips.
In business presenting and selling, it’s tough to keep your creative edge. Let’s face it. There’s not enough time in the day, ... Views: 1623
How can you share information and show ideas to your peers? Are you fed up with not getting recognized, and not getting the respect you deserve?
If you’ve had it with feeling like ‘nobody gets it’…now you have a choice. Learn new ways to connect with your audience. Show your ideas clearly to ... Views: 1185
Need to catch attention of busy, frazzled buyers? If your clients are short on attention…you need to speak a visual language. Find out how.
More and more professionals are turning to visual communication to connect with busy global buyers. Decision makers look for visuals to simplify complex ... Views: 1218
Whether you’re in a global organization or a small business, marketing and sales departments are often on different planets. What can you do to boost sales—and boost communication?
Over and over I talk with marketing and sales leaders. Consistently they tell me horror stories of gaps in ... Views: 1423
It’s tough managing a team who is expected to do more with less. They’re stressed out and running fast. How can you be a great consulting manager—and be prepared for the onslaught of demands?
What makes a great consulting manager? In interviewing my clients about this, I found several ... Views: 1191
Working with virtual teams and global partners? Ever wonder how you’re coming across and if you are truly communicating effectively? Find out exactly how to know you’re spot on—with total confidence.
As business continues to expand and teams increasingly work globally, many professionals have ... Views: 1001
You need to work on client projects. You have a business to run. You have urgent issues to deal with. How can you find time to present your company to clients and prospects?
“I don’t have time to present my company.” I understand. I’ve heard this from many consultants, coaches and ... Views: 1086
Fed up with spinning your wheels and chasing one system after another? If you’re looking for clarity, focus and hands-on results, use these 5 coaching tips to gain new business—fast.
There’s a lot of great tips out there for presenting, selling and winning new business. But sometimes…it just ... Views: 1374
Whiteboard sales conversations are transforming presenting around the world. How can you get the most out of your whiteboard presentation? Find out the 5 moves that alienate audiences and kill sales.
For years, sales professionals have relied on PowerPoint to get their message across. This ... Views: 1326
Whiteboard sales conversations are hot. If you’re seeing your peers and competitors jumping onto this trend, there’s a reason why. It works. Find out the 5 truths for effective whiteboard selling skills.
Recently, many small business owners, entrepreneurs, Internet marketers and sales ... Views: 1208
How can you get the most out of learning whiteboard selling skills in online? Create a total training immersion approach. Find out 10 best bets to boost conversations, ignite sales discussions and improve results--without leaving your home.
For years, sales professionals have relied on ... Views: 2964
What if sales presentations were easier, faster and better without slides? What if you could engage your clients, create meaningful conversations and collaborate together—from the start? Find out the 3 secrets to unlock unstoppable results.
Selling at the whiteboard revolutionizes what you ... Views: 1201
What do children and sales consultants have in common? Ask them to play and they’ll jump in. Tap into this natural ability and you’ll unlock the secret to whiteboard presenting.
In more organizations and small businesses, sales professionals and subject matter experts are turning to ... Views: 1148
If you’ve been dreading online presenting but everyone is telling you, “You must do it!” there is hope. Use these 5-fast steps to feel confident and comfortable in online presentations.
Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and professional service professionals are searching for new skills. ... Views: 979
You may have been ecstatic to hear you have an opportunity to present to your boss, senior leadership team, or an important client. But what are the 5 top challenges you should know about? Find out now.
Even if your presentation skills are top notch, you’ll struggle to win over your team to ... Views: 1725
Are your virtual presentations matching your audience? Here’s a 12-point checklist that makes virtual presenting a breeze.
If you are marketing and selling to a remote audience, your comfort, confidence and use of technology makes a world of difference.
I talk with clients from all ... Views: 1164