Remember your days in school? Do you also remember the importance placed on class participation? Well, there was a reason for that. Many of my grades were based on some level of class participation. Doesn't seem fair, does it? If you know the material, do your homework, and score well on ... Views: 813
How does visibility relate to networking? Visibility, of course, is your presence or profile -- it's the recognition you establish by being in the room.
What if you're not in the room? Do people notice? Why is this important?
Quite often, if someone is absent, I wonder where that person is. ... Views: 700
Early last week, my wife and I decided to replace our aging lawn tractor. It's been very dependable, but had been feeling and showing its age. We had already decided to replace it with a brand new John Deere tractor. We had heard some great reviews and this clearly sounded like the superior ... Views: 666
How many of you know that effective selling is about asking questions? Many people believe that selling is about "explaining" to the prospect, why he or she needs their product or service. Show and tell, features and benefits: these are phrases which come to mind. Well, it's really neither -- ... Views: 1496
I've been networking up a storm this year: a meeting here, a one-on-one there, and two or three evening events per week. I have been caught up in a whirlwind of activity as powerful as a Category 5 hurricane. I'm meeting lots of new people and narrowing those contacts down to the ones which ... Views: 836