The pain of not being heard, or betrayed, lied to or criticized are examples of experiences from our past that become sensitivities we bring into our present relationships. We become vigilant to these behaviors in others, and it takes only a hint of the original betrayal to cause a reaction. ... Views: 776
The concept of differentiation is central to the work I do with couples. In this article I provide a couple of definitions and identify the skills needed for differentiation, and some of the ways couples avoid doing this work in their relationships.
Differentiation is the active, ongoing ... Views: 913
Working on building a positive self esteem is a life long task, no-one has a completely positive self esteem, nor negative. as long as our relationship with ourself lasts, so our self-esteem it will evolve and change. It changes in relationship to life events and hormones as well as an ongoing ... Views: 1241