I'm choosing the Ace of wands because of the up and coming Total Lunar Eclipse on 10/12/11. This Lunar eclipse will speed up the healing of the last total Lunar eclipse on 16 June 2011. That eclipse was severe and pushed needed change drastically. This eclipse is the ending of the situation. It ... Views: 2016
Strange in our times that billions of people are sending messages throu a system that is largely not understood and is foreign to people in terms of how it actually functions. Wireless technology for example is a system of communication that has become universal, in millions of people's homes ... Views: 1769
Strange in our times that billions of people are sending messages throu a system that is largely not understood and is foreign to people in terms of how it actually functions. Wireless technology for example is a system of communication that has become universal, in millions of people's homes ... Views: 1769
Pollution, environmental pollution is rampant and every bit of energy put forward can heal?
While activism, lifestyle change and conscious efforts are serving and integral, some planet-support magic work can penetrate on a cellular level and can go a long way - particularly if we all join in. ... Views: 1445
There seems to be alot of debate over the possibilty of doing tarot card reading over the internet and even the authenticity of a tarot reading being possible or accurate.
I feel invoked to shed some light on this debate from someone who has used and seen tarot work magic over the last twenty ... Views: 1391
the return of spiritual connection- online?
free tarot card reading
the return of spiritual connection- online?
The tarot was originally a playing card deck (used for card games such as Italian tarocchini) that incidentally began to be used for divination. It is believed that is was ... Views: 1671
Poverty is the principal cause of hunger in Australia
and the level of poverty is unacceptable. The wealth gap between the rich and poor in Australia has grown over the past decade. Despite more than a decade of continual economic growth, this prosperity has left many in middle Australia ... Views: 1041