Were you ever called “chubby” or “fatso” growing up? I was—and the healing process, both mentally and physically, has been a long one. The number of overweight and obese children in America today is even higher than it was when I was a child. Results from the National Health and Nutrition ... Views: 1193
“The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.” – John Milton
Are you happy? Do you remain optimistic when faced with adversity? When you hear about pollution in industrialized nations being at an all time high, terrorism lurking around the corner, ... Views: 1304
My adventure began with a 4 day all expense paid stay at Mission Hospital in Asheville. Let me start by saying that besides the sporadic cold, headache or sore throat, I am generally a pretty healthy person. Having lived in California for almost 10 years has given me more of a holistic, or, as ... Views: 1353
My reign of being an only child ended abruptly at the age of five. Initially I was excited at the thought of a new brother or sister. After all, my twin cousins had each other and an older brother. In my mind, they always had someone to play with. I always had fun when I played with them and the ... Views: 2384