The art and science of astrology has been in our culture, in one form or another, for 5,000 years. It thrived in progressive times, was squelched for centuries during the Reformation, and has been relegated to the fringes in modern times. In some ages, Astrologers have been venerated as ... Views: 1390
No one seems to be able to remember were we came from, why we came here to planet Earth, or even what it is we are meant to be doing here. It is all a great mystery, unique to each of us and yet, over the millennia, there have been myriad efforts to clarify our presence here. Religions, ... Views: 1357
No one seems to be able to remember where we came from, why we came here to planet Earth, or even what it is we are fulfilling here. It is all a great mystery, unique to each of us and yet, over the milennia, there have been myriad efforts to clarify our presence here. Religions, meditations, ... Views: 2858