For many, the decision to pursue adoption comes after years of struggling with infertility. Letting go of the dream of the biological child and embracing the deepest wish - to become a parent - usually involves some emotional work, your own and between you and your partner.
The fact is that ... Views: 1260
With all the recent news about the recession, even young kids are likely to hear some scary things from the TV, from older siblings, or overhear conversations between Mom and Dad. This can be unsettling and upsetting for kids.
Children will not understand what is going on in the financial ... Views: 1058
The IAC Center loves groups. We offer: infertility groups; pre-adopt groups, adoptive parents groups, children's adoption groups and teen adoption groups. These groups have shown us the best side of human nature as we see the members support each other, share tips, make each other laugh and form ... Views: 1482
A process requiring resilience comes in two phases. First there is the crisis, a time when the loss or distress is often too unbearable for you to see opportunities that may be available. Once the distress fades away, you may start to see potential in a new situation and to gain a new ... Views: 1414
For many, the decision to pursue adoption comes only after many years of struggling with infertility. Letting go of the dream of the biological child and embracing the deepest wish - to become a parent - usually involves some emotional work.
Deciding to stop medical treatments
Even though ... Views: 1175