Addressing issues can be challenging for many of us. Many times we either ‘fight’ or ‘fly’ depending on how we were raised and how we saw our families of origin deal with conflict. ‘Fighting’ and ‘flying’ both lead to alienation and are aggressive and passive behaviors respectively.
When we ... Views: 4849
In many cultures assertive behaviour is misunderstood as aggressive behaviour because it is not the usual way that people interact with each other. It’s not something that people are taught in school.
It's not the way that people generally behave toward each other. People tend to be either ... Views: 3223
I was having a conversation with one of my sons recently. It took me back to a memory of myself in high school. A memory of how much my self-esteem was tied to my academic achievements.
I was really uncoordinated so I didn't do well in sports but I knew from early on that I could do well in ... Views: 1642
One of my family members recently emailed me to ask me this question. It's a question I've been asked many times over the years. It's usually asked by people who are just beginning to assert themselves.
My family member provided the details of her particular dilemma. She is having a ... Views: 9885