Isn't is too often the case that when we're feeling strong emotions which distress us that we are also encountering negative thoughts about our personal dramas. Whether the thought or emotion comes first is not important. What's relevant is that emotions and thoughts are inter-related. And ... Views: 3661
What are the steps to take to go from addiction towards wellness? This is the question which this article addresses as I outline the steps which my personal recovery took and which has been truly a miracle in my life and in the effects on those which I affect daily, mostly including my wife and ... Views: 2104
Let’s only be limited by our imagination.
Every day in my healing clinic I encounter clients who are restricted and blocked in their happiness and wellbeing. The causes and origins are multiple and complex and not resolved in a single one hour treatment. However a process is begun and a pathway ... Views: 2117
The necessary elements to wellbeing have to incorporate the four parts of the person. The mind, emotions, physical body, and the energy body or aura. The total being needs to achieve harmony between these four components to achieve continuous wellbeing and bliss. Bliss is a detached mood which ... Views: 1963
Your stretching may not be as effective as you think!
As a practicing massage therapist I prescribe stretches to my clients as part of their homework assignment.
Because I work in a fitness centre environment I get to observe many members attempting to stretch. And the results can be very ... Views: 1830
Low back pain caused by tight anterior inner hip muscles.
This article is written at a level which requires some knowledge of anatomical attachments, ie: origins and insertions of muscles, as well as names of muscles.
Should you wish to know more I invite you to look online for an anatomy ... Views: 3557