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Articles from Carna Zacharias-Miller, |
Fathers can be physically or emotionally absent in their children’s lives for many reasons, and all of them hurt. Some of them are death, divorce, abandonment, prolonged work-related absences, or abuse. While the impact of a missing father on his grown-up daughter’s relationships with men has ... Views: 3220
Melissa (not her real name) was in total despair when she chose to contact me because I work with women who grew up with a physically or -more often- emotionally unavailable mother. In our preliminary talk, she said that it felt like her mother didn't like her, didn't want her to be happy, and ... Views: 5335
When I had my very first EFT session as a client, we went straight back to my birth. I released a deep, very painful feeling of abandonment, since my schizophrenic mother was unable to bond with me from the beginning. It was a powerful experience, and it made a believer and an EFT practitioner ... Views: 2437
We all want to be happy. However, if a woman pushes herself to emotional and mental exhaustion in order to reach “perfect” happiness, she could suffer from a condition she probably has never heard of: Missing Mother Syndrome.
When Megan Meadows (not her real name) came to me, she just ... Views: 5985
We all experience severe heart break at some time in our lives. For many it happens in childhood or adolescence, the time when we are most vulnerable. A cold mother, an absent father, being different in any way from our peers and ostracized for it - these are some of the reasons for the early ... Views: 1617