By Dr. Pradnya Ajinkya
The case study is being presented on this site so that the readers and students become more familiar with case histories. Case histories are designed to help oneself to test their ability to think their way through situations. This allows ... Views: 2157
Psychoanalytical history of a violent child
By Dr. Pradnya Ajinkya
MS Counselling, PhD, P.G. Journalism
This psychohistorical approach to the life of Ms. Sanjukta Sen, using the psychological theories of Eric Erikson, Jean Piaget, Mead, Albert, to explain some of the factors behind the ... Views: 1985
“For your Marriage ………………………….”
Dr. Pradnya Ajinkya
MS Counselling and Psychotherapy, PhD, PG Journalism
I am a Mumbai-based psychological counsellor and family therapist. I have seen fair share of dysfunctional marriages. Here, I recount the case of Subeesh and ... Views: 2205