Credit cards are common among people today. Though some people use them sensibly, many struggle to use their credit cards properly and get into debt. One of the main reasons why people struggle with their credit cards is that they take multiple credit cards. More credit cards mean more credit ... Views: 775
As kids and teens, many of us have seen our parents struggling to manage money properly. Not everybody’s parents are like this, but many parents make some common money mistakes. Here are some of them and try not to repeat them in your life.
Not lived on budget
Do you remember your parents ... Views: 1355
The budget is the only tool that helps you understand your spending and saving. If you want your spending to be under control, pay-off your debt quickly and manage money properly, you need to have a written home budget. Lazy people don’t track their expenses properly and thus struggle with their ... Views: 935
In today's world, insurance is an essential product everyone should purchase. It helps us take care of our financial needs during unexpected emergencies and saves us against financial hardships.
Unexpected events may come in the form of a sudden accident, life-style disease, vehicle ... Views: 1263
Planning to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or any other investment plan for the first time? If so, congrats! You are taking an important and sensible step in planning your future growth. This article presents some important tips you need to follow as a first-time investor.
Health ... Views: 995
Are you a spendthrift? Do you spend money lavishly? If your answer is ‘Yes’, you need to seriously control your finances for a planned and secure future. As teenager, you make certain mistakes while spending that you are not aware of. This is because adolescence is a stage when you don’t have ... Views: 714
A penny saved is a penny earned
Earning money is not enough to gain financial stability in life. You need to save money regularly to meet your future needs. Following is a step by step plan on how you can save money.
Step #1: Set your savings goal
Personal financial planning at the right ... Views: 751
Learning Spanish becomes more effective with regular practice. If you are in an environment where everyone else is learning Spanish just like you, then it is your duty to find the right acquaintances that can help you to make your learning easier.
Though the language trainers assist you in ... Views: 744
Today’s schools have many things to teach students on various subjects like History, Geography, English, Science, Mathematics and the list goes on. But there is no such school that teaches students on money management concepts like how to save money, how to spend money, how to manage money, etc. ... Views: 757
With the emergence of different types of mutual funds, investors feel difficult to select the right mutual fund scheme, that is, the one that suits their needs best. There are many mutual fund beginners who started investing without having proper knowledge. These people consider investing just ... Views: 915
Ability to save money is a basic skill that every individual should possess. This skill can be built only when you follow certain important steps, having internal motivation and positive attitude. In order to acquire the ability to save money, you need to inculcate some habits that may be ... Views: 1925
With persistently changing financial market scenario and increasing number of banks, financial institutions, online resources that give ample opportunities for savings, many people in India are unable to decide the right place to save their surpluses to meet future financial obligations. Hence, ... Views: 3288
Some personal finance experts are popular all over the world because of their principles, concepts and ideas. They have shared their expertise on money management and saving techniques through their books and lectures. These authors have helped people live financially comfortable life by ... Views: 1779
Many people entering the workforce today are making money, but are struggling to manage it. For many, personal finance is a mystery. They struggle to understand the basic personal finance principles, concepts and ideas.
Are you one of those who are struggling to manage money? Then seek ... Views: 1256
People spend good amount of time and money to learn spoken English online or through traditional English teaching resources. Many of them fail to understand that written English is what is required to excel in career and professional front.
Even illiterate people in English-speaking countries ... Views: 3697
Today there are more job opportunities available than ever before. Now it is really up to you to take control of your professional future and ensure success in career. In order to reach your full potential, you need to know the basic requirement for your career growth. You cannot go blindfolded ... Views: 728
Among the many language learning sources, media (print or electronic) plays an important role in improving one's language standards. Some of the important media instruments that help in learning a language are – newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the Internet. These have revolutionized ... Views: 2820
Your home will be comfortable, functional and healthy only when you don’t compromise on some basic, yet important features. Flooring is one such feature that should not be overlooked, as we will have more physical contact with floor unlike the ceilings or walls.
In order to make sure that you ... Views: 828
In today’s world people are very much familiar with the term insurance. Whether it is for life, health, vehicle, fire, disability or liability, insurance serves as financial tool for securing your life and property. It is a cover used for protecting you and your family from rising unexpected ... Views: 697
A Mutual Fund is an investment vehicle operated by an Asset Management Company (AMC) and is required to be registered with SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India). AMC raises money from individual investors and invests the money on behalf of the investors or unit holders, in stocks, bonds, ... Views: 781
When people are asked this question, they are confused between 'possessions' and 'assets'. Your home, vehicle, jewelry are not assets. A good definition of the term 'asset' is something that has the ability to generate income. This is how a financially intelligent and knowledgeable person ... Views: 711
Today many people don’t have even the basic understanding of personal finance. They don’t know how to set up a budget, how to manage their money.
The main reason behind this is that money management is not taught in schools and colleges. Educational institutions create graduates who are ... Views: 691
We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful - Warren Buffett, a legendary investor
Much has been written on fear and greed in the market, which are the two great human emotions responsible in destructing capital in investing. Fear and ... Views: 2719
Riches and rich people have always fascinated human kind. The people who can buy whatever they want without worrying about affording it or not needing to cut out something from their shopping list because they cannot afford all they want. They can buy the best items and also have money to pay ... Views: 1037
A marketing strategy is the backbone of any business. It generates the required awareness about your products or services among customers. A good marketing strategy should correlate well with the long-term marketing plans and goals of the business.
But, due to a variety of reasons, businesses ... Views: 16889
The Glycemic Index (GI) is a rating of carbohydrates on a scale of 0 to 100 depending on the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating. Foods with GI of 70 and above are considered as high GI foods, 56-69 as medium GI foods, 55 and below as low GI foods.
High GI foods are ... Views: 674
It is easy to get driven by plethora of financial advertisements and articles about various products offered by many financial companies and banks. Every individual should have his own financial needs mapped out and then schedule the financial savings/investments in that order.
But how do you ... Views: 747
Though Roman Centurions have a history of more than 2100 years, they practiced many management concepts that are required for managers even today. The Romans created a concept of how a manager should be chosen, how to lead a team and other important characteristics of being a manager. Management ... Views: 2197
The marketing concept underwent many changes before it transformed into the current ‘Customer Centric Marketing’ avatar. Sales driven organizations were the initial models of doing business, driven by their production and product capabilities. Later, improvement in the situation was inevitable ... Views: 706
Many people are not aware of the right approach and right tools to learn English easily and quickly. The moment we think of learning English, big books that are difficult to read or understand come to our mind. Another thing that strikes our mind is spoken English institute.
Are they really ... Views: 899
Literature makes us knowledgeable about the thinking patterns of various cultures. Literature is an important part of history. It consists of classical writings by many good people, philosophers, administrators, poets, etc. Generally, it is difficult to get access to learned people, but it is ... Views: 1167
Advertisement has a great role in the success of a business. It is necessary for any business to attract customers through right advertising. Different modes of advertising are being practiced by business organizations these days. Billboard and online advertising are some of them which are in ... Views: 970
Live below your means. Many people wrongly assume that they understand what it is to live below their means. Most of people prepare budget on monthly basis i.e., whatever they receive income, they use for entire amount for that particular month only. By the end of month nothing remains in hand, ... Views: 778
Recruitment is a process of screening and selecting qualified candidates for vacant job positions in an organization. There have been various trends in recruitment process these days. Outsourcing, e-recruitment, campus recruitment, and headhunting are some of them. Headhunting is a peculiar and ... Views: 4342
Foods are known as building elements of the body. The food consumed in diet should consist of carbohydrates, protein, and fats, which provide calories and vitamins, minerals and water, which are very essential to life and good health. Fiber is another important element of a balanced diet and ... Views: 5363
Nannycare refers to the care taken for children at home by an external person. Nannies, babysitters, baby nurses, au pairs and so on are involved in providing nannycare. Selecting a nanny for their child is a very important task for parents. A nanny can be hired by the parents either on their ... Views: 3807
Cholesterol is made from liver in the body. It is present in membrane of cells in the body. Cholesterol is carried in the blood by one type of molecules. Those molecules are called as lipoproteins. The high level cholesterol causes atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease (CAD). Cholesterol ... Views: 815
A shift from the use of paper records to electronically stored information is being widely seen among the small and medium sized businesses (SMBs). An efficient way of business performance is observed with the digitalization process. At the same time, there has been a rise of cyber criminals ... Views: 753
Owning and operating a small business is very unpredictable and competitive. So, it is very important for small business owners to apply efficient and result oriented marketing strategies in order to survive, sustain and succeed. Internet marketing is considered as the common and best method for ... Views: 792