It’s important to know the break-down regarding why the words “Zealous” and “Zen” were chosen as the topic for this article. It might be best to explain the definitions of both to see how they “fit” in this author’s perspective. “Zealous” means to be actively interested or enthusiastic about ... Views: 2762
I am taking creative license here to discuss the ever-present, negative habit of providing excuses for everything we subconsciously choose to not be responsible for in our lives. One very important truth in understanding the reality of excuses is that they are nothing but “reasons with lies ... Views: 1107
Are you one of those people that never seem to have a minute to yourself? Do you feel as if your whole life and everyone in it would just stop or die if you weren’t there? Take heart, dear one, take heart. The wisest and most beneficial thing you can do is to yield to yourself first.
The ... Views: 1691
There is a huge difference between intelligence and wisdom. Intelligence is an innate gift that reflects how smart you are. Intelligence is usually a gene passed down by one or both of your parents or someone in your direct bloodline. It is beneficial for learning things in school. It is what is ... Views: 1119
Definition of virtue: a. Moral excellence and righteousness; goodness. b. An example or kind of moral excellence: the virtue of patience
Ahhh! To have such virtue! So much uprising and chaos in the world lately seems to have smothered the idea of the virtuous. One of the most valuable ... Views: 1415
The timing is perfect, in the middle of all the chaos consuming the world at the moment. Yet, further thought reveals that this topic is timeless, because throughout most of the recent history of the world, there hasn’t been a whole lot of unity about anything! Oh sure, there are groups of ... Views: 1215
There seems to be a lack of tangible tenderness in the world today. Yet, there also seems to be a deep yearning in the hearts of humanity in this moment of time for nothing more than the need for others to be tender. “Tender”, in the context of this article, means to be kind, caring, concerned, ... Views: 1160
Self-confidence is sometimes hard to come by unless we are fortunate to be raised by a family that instilled that attribute into our minds and hearts. Yes, it dwells within us innately, but the nurturing and positive guidance from parents and older siblings definitely encourages it.
When we ... Views: 1457
One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Whatever happens, take responsibility. - Tony Robbins
This topic hits home with this author every single day. Today ... Views: 1056
The definition of quintessence is: The pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing.
In ancient and medieval philosophy, the fifth and highest essence after the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, thought to be the substance of the heavenly bodies and latent in all things.
The ... Views: 1292
Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.” – Robert Fulgham
“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is so much heartbreak in the world recently, what with the Norway ... Views: 1051
The idea of optimistic observation is basically on the same line of thought as maintaining a positive attitude. When life is experienced through the standpoint of optimistic observation, the perception of events has a powerful impact on the outcome of those same events.
The experience of this ... Views: 1501
There is so much to be said when speaking of nurturing. So many women have been raised in stereotypical fashion to be nurturers of everyone else but themselves. The necessary nurturing spoken of here is to inform women (and even some men) that we have to learn to nurture and take care of ... Views: 1153
It's a mouthful but it's true: each of us has a bit of innate magnanimous magnificence! See, the word "magnanimous" is an adjective. It means "free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness." It also means "high-minded" and "noble". What an awesome self-realization! To think that we have within ... Views: 1514
There are so many definitions of love. It’s mostly subjective and yet, there are some absolutes to it, at least in this author’s perspective. The absolute love I speak of is that which allows each and every person on this earth to be exactly who they are, with their faults, quirks, and opinions. ... Views: 1013
We all know the saying, “What goes around comes around”, right? We all know about Karma and about the Law of Cause and Effect, right? We get back what we give out.
We all know that it’s sometimes very hard to stay quiet and not give back what has been dished out when it comes to others being ... Views: 1098
In spite of all the economic woes the world is dealing with right now, there is still the basic truth that we could all find justifiable joy within our own lives, if we so chose.
There is much joy in life which can be considered justifiable. Yet, joy, in its very essence, has absolutely no need ... Views: 1035
In discussing self-importance, it’s important to realize that this topic is not about ego or arrogance. It’s about informing those with a low self-image that they are important.
Many women in the world are cast under the stereotype of “servant" - of putting others first. They are ... Views: 1978
There are several words that are synonymous with harmony: peace, balance, rapport, cooperation, and unity.
So many happenings in the world today are the opposite of the descriptive words above. So much of the world longs for peace, unity, and balance. It seems to be elusive, yet, it so many ... Views: 998
Gratitude is the best attitude. ~Author Unknown
If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.~Gerald Good
There's a recession going on for any of those who have found themselves living in America for the past several years. Heck, everyone knows ... Views: 1864
“To forgive is to give forth. It releases you from the past.” - “Positively Positive” on Twitter
Forgiveness comes in many forms but the most important aspect to remember is that it's for the one who was offended or victimized. The offender or perpetrator may never even hear or know that he ... Views: 1325
There's a difference between striving for excellence and seeking perfection. Excellence is about living from the highest part of your Self - the part that is the most like God. It's about living from your highest thought, your highest action, your highest word. It is the truest, most real part ... Views: 1201
Most of us remember the childhood game “Hide and Seek”. The whole idea is to close our eyes, count to 100 and then find the people who tried really hard to hide in a place they would “never” be found. The premise of the title of this article is to walk in deliberate awareness and intention for ... Views: 1206
The definition of compassion: “Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.”
"It is the development of compassion toward each other that can change the heart, transform the mind, heal the body and enlighten the soul."
Dr. W. David Hoisington, 2007
I ... Views: 1303
On the way to becoming “self-realized”, becoming balanced is a boon. My boyfriend calls it “living in moderation.” The whole concept is to find ways to keep all aspects of your life in balance – your thoughts, your beliefs, your words, your actions, your emotions, and your feelings. It’s not ... Views: 1106
This is the first in a series of twenty-six articles based on Self-Realization. Each letter of the alphabet is used for the first word in each title. These articles are based on experience, lessons, or just basic information learned over more than fifty years of life on this planet.
One of ... Views: 1325
We all know the saying, “What goes around comes around”, right? We all know about Karma and about the Law of Cause and Effect, right? We get back what we give out.
We all know that it’s sometimes very hard to stay quiet and not give back what has been dished out when it comes to others being ... Views: 1077
In spite of all the economic woes the world is dealing with right now, there is still the basic truth that we could all find justifiable joy within our own lives, if we so chose.
There is much joy in life which can be considered justifiable. Yet, joy, in its very essence, has absolutely no ... Views: 1197
There are several words that are synonymous with harmony: peace, balance, rapport, cooperation, and unity.
So many happenings in the world today are the opposite of the descriptive words above. So much of the world longs for peace, unity, and balance. It seems to be elusive, yet, it so many ... Views: 1284
Gratitude is the best attitude. ~Author Unknown
If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily. ~Gerald Good
There's a recession going on for any of those who have found themselves living in America for the past several years. Heck, everyone knows ... Views: 1475
Finding Forgiveness for Your Sake
“To forgive is to give forth. It releases you from the past.” - “Positively Positive” on Twitter
Forgiveness comes in many forms but the most important aspect to remember is that it's for the one who was offended or victimized. The offender or perpetrator ... Views: 1129
For many years, I wanted to be a psychologist because the human mind fascinates me. Please keep in mind that I am NOT a professional and the article here is only from what I have read and become interested in. There is no way I would ever diagnose or advise anyone on any malady, condition or ... Views: 1940
Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it's dark. ~Zen Proverb
So much is happening in the world in general and in our own private world lately. With the death of Osama. With the beating of Bryan Stow at a Dodger’s game in LA. With the indiscretions of Schwarzenegger bringing gasps ... Views: 1423
“One’s real life is so often the life that one does not lead.” -Oscar Wilde
My perception of “one’s real life” is that of the life that was intended before conception. We are all on this earth with an innate purpose. That purpose is what was meant to guide our path. The innate empowerment ... Views: 1087
E-G-O is Edging God Out
Last but not least is the idea of ego. I learned what ego stands for in a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer. When we live completely out of our ego, we are living blindly, in denial about the reflection of God that we were created to be from the very beginning. Our ego is ... Views: 2138
Denial was right up there in my “major life awareness” topics. Denial is not a river in Egypt!
When we are in denial, we don’t even realize that we are lying to ourselves, much less the world in general. We don’t realize that we deny our faults, our circumstance, the actions of others, etc. ... Views: 1193
I created my own acronym for this article, believe it or not, just as I was writing it. A-N-G-E-R stands for: Again Not Gaining an Evolved Resolution. That makes perfect sense to me!
~ A man is about as big as the things that make him angry. ~ Teddy Roosevelt
Another offshoot of fear is ... Views: 3173
I have decided to write a four-part article based on acronyms that have helped me in my journey. In the height of the “self-help” phase of my life, I learned a few acronyms that have become major transitional learning tools that have benefited me to a fuller awareness of who I was really meant ... Views: 1841
It’s becoming more and more apparent, the older I get. Everywhere I look, there seems to be pain. There is physical, emotional and spiritual pain. All pain is definitely inevitable.
Those who choose to live in pain due to their choices will someday realize that the word P-A-I-N stands for: ... Views: 2137
Perspective on a Positive Attitude
Based on the happenings in my personal life over most of the almost 51 years I have been on this Earth, I would say the major “life lesson" I have learned is this (as my motto states on my bio): "You create your Universe with your ... Views: 1227
“Remember first that everything U think, say & do is a reflection of what you've decided about yourself” - Neale Donald Walsch
The above quote was a tweet on Twitter that I saw the other day. Neale Donald Walsch (author of the Conversations with God book series) is one of my most favorite ... Views: 4336