Nothing is as certain as change. But no one can know just how much things are going to change - and how fast. History gives us some insight. Wars, plagues, famines, political upheavals... they all seem remote partly because, for most of us, we did not directly experience them. But they did ... Views: 1065
It seems there is a consensus that the earth is warming and the cause is rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. There are some serious flaws in the reasoning that leads to that conclusion.
If CO2 causes warming, as CO2 levels rise, temperatures would rise. Data from ice cores obtained ... Views: 1041
People have a built-in capacity and desire to think about and emulate that which is better and that which is ideal. God is all powerful, all knowing, beyond moral infallibility, has infinite wisdom, and perfect judgement. The concept of God partially fullfills the human desire to be perfect. The ... Views: 984
Temperatures worldwide have been rising. They may continue to rise. Longer and more severe droughts are forecasted. Special strategies are needed by gardeners to deal with increased water needs of garden plants.
Two-feet deep topsoil will stay moist longer than lesser thicknesses. Adding ... Views: 1150
Earth's Edge has what makes science fiction good. The story demonstrates that attitude and perseverance bring about changes that will continually improve mankind's future. Science and the human spirit are the elements that drive progress. We can expect setbacks and difficult times, but the human ... Views: 1126
The earth is warming. It seems most scientists think humans are at least partly responsible. If the scientists are right, we should all work together to reduce how much CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere.
The major sources of human generated greenhouse gases are transportation, heating ... Views: 1137
Science fiction describes a world more wonderous and better than our more ordinary real world. It is the world and the universe as it can be imagined to be. What the author imagined is presented as real and to an extent we experience the author's vision as being real. Before us are the wonders ... Views: 1650
Out of the billions of stars it would seem some would have planets with the same conditions that gave rise to life on earth. Considering the huge number of solar systems, it seems likely that many extra terrestrial civilizations have evolved throughout the universe. By chance many civilization ... Views: 1273
People might have to go back to living as people did a century or more ago. There are half a dozen events that could cause that to happen. Cataclysmic events have occurred before and it seems certain they will continue to repeatedly occur.
Scientists say that a large asteroid impact during ... Views: 1447