Before a child is born, a woman may have existed but a mother is born the moment a child is born. It is true that some of us are more adept at mothering than others. For some of us, the dream of raising and nurturing a child has been one we have had since we were children. For others, it ... Views: 1548
Honesty is one of man kind’s most cherished virtues. But what is honesty?
Honesty is the process of recognizing, accepting and expressing our authentic, true self.
And this process starts with you. Nothing is more important than being honest with your self. All too often, we fall into the ... Views: 2751
Why? This is a question which anyone whose life is touched by suicide will find themselves asking. Why would anyone willingly cause his or her own death? The answer to this question is simple but the grief experienced by anyone who is dealing with suicide is anything but simple.
Suicide is a ... Views: 2772
At this particular point in time, there is not an accepted, unanimous, biological answer to the question "what are dreams?”. The reason we don’t have an accepted answer to that question is due to the fact that at this point, modern, Newtonian based science does not recognize the element of ... Views: 2905
To most of us, who have spent our lives grounded in the physical plane that we like to call “reality”, the idea of crystal healing has made it’s way into the category of irrational superstition and “new age hooey”. It’s as if most of us are asking, how in the world can a rock be anything more ... Views: 1603
There is a wholeness that calls to all people, we are born with its song ringing in our ears and yet we come to know it, first by its absence. For most people, the time comes in adulthood when the emptiness within us grows so large it can not be filled externally. And running from fears becomes ... Views: 1744
Sometimes it can seem as if there’s nothing you can do about your stress level. When you are operating from your logical brain, the brain says things like… “The bills aren’t going to stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day for all of the errands I need to run, and my career and ... Views: 2161
The purpose of life is to live it. To be immersed in that which we call “experience” to such a degree that we may know what it is that we truly want. And because we are the furthest most ripple of that which we call source or god, when we reach out eagerly and without fear for that newer and ... Views: 1218
The decision of what to do with your life is a decision which all of us must make. We will after all, end up “doing” something regardless of whether it is a conscious decision we make or an unconscious decision we make to do that thing. If you don’t decide how you want to live as well as what ... Views: 1119
Marriage is not just the act of two people making their relationship public and permanent. It is the promise which two people make to each other to enter into a bond which will constantly require growth from both parties in order to stay intact. For many reasons, marriage in this day and age is ... Views: 6672
Marriage is not just the act of two people who love each other making their relationship public and permanent. Marriage is the promise of two people to enter into a bond (with the intention that it will last until death) which will constantly require growth from both parties in order to stay ... Views: 1119
To begin anew is to recognize the truth that in the present moment, the past does not exist, and neither does the future. The past and future are not here with you in the present, unless you bring them into this moment with you. Therefore, it is your choice what you bring with you into the ... Views: 1637
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Mind Medicine - by Teal Scott, The Spiritual Catalyst
Everything about this physical life that you now lead is experienced from the standpoint of your physical body. If you have suffered from a physical ailment, you already know that when your body is in a state of illness, it reflects out into all aspects of your mind. What is overlooked in ... Views: 1230
Modern medicine has seen a lot of changes in recent years, but still, the dominant focus deals exclusively with specific physical ailments once they’ve already happened, rather than the prevention of them. Learning to access and to utilize the intensely symbiotic relationship that exists ... Views: 1825