The fantastic thing about your home is it's not judged only by its size. What would you rather have, a mansion size home that appears like a hurricane just passed through it or maybe a modest-sized home with everything beautifully organized?
They say the home and everything about it speaks ... Views: 803
Your home is your castle and it's the one place you should enjoy a calm and peaceful environment, where you're in control and at peace. Considering that your kitchen epitomizes your lifestyle and gets the most traffic, it's a really good idea to keep this area of your home as organized as you ... Views: 844
Who wants to go to the office each day only to be met with mountains of unfiled paperwork in one corner, folders and documents thrown all over your desk, loads of old outdated computer disks pushed here, piles of reports there?
Old coffee mugs, old discarded reports along with newspapers. ... Views: 923
Has your garage turned into a glorified storage shed? Do you have it jam packed to the rafters with boxes and bins full of garage sale stuff, Holiday decorations, beach toys? Is it now out of the question to get a rake or shovel or maybe a edger when it's needed? Are your tools everywhere but ... Views: 1052
Today with most families on the go, your kitchen is probably the most important part of your home. This is where the most activity takes place. You're cooking three meals a day, plus snacks. You make plans for the day there with your kids and spouse. This is the reason your the kitchen area ... Views: 1114
Here are 8 very useful tips on organizing your home. Taking that first step is the most important part of organizing your home. So now let's get started on step one.
This is critical because you can't get to where you want to go unless you know what that "where" looks like.
How do you ... Views: 880