Ask yourself if you want to learn all your career lessons the hard way or… are you willing to develop a cohesive strategy in order to meet the demands of structural workplace change?
Well… are you willing to do what it takes to get ready for the future?
If your answer is “yes” and before ... Views: 812
What do new, future-focused careers have in common?
They represent America’s highest needs.
They require a reasonable investment in time and credentialing in order to qualify.
The time to plan is NOW if you want or need to continue to work THEN!
The restructuring of American business ... Views: 1198
*Truthiness was first used, in its satirical sense, by Stephen Colbert to describe things that a person claims to know intuitively without regard to evidence or facts. Our Wizardly friend and co-author of Return of the Boomers, Phil Newbold, offers examples of truthiness as it relates to many ... Views: 1161
“Tips have the effect of tickling the mind but, before reading my tips, remember that it is most important to have the courage to stay the course of change as you peer into the mists of the future. Listen carefully when I tell you that the most human of expectations is that tips will offer an ... Views: 980
Last month I wrote about various warning signs for Americans to heed if we hope to stave off further economic erosion. Pension Plan shortfalls will begin to place another huge burden on the American taxpayer, many of whom lost their own Pension Plans years ago.
This subject is near and ... Views: 679
Excerpts from Desiderata written in 1926 by Max Ehrman
“Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and ... Views: 784
Are you an American workplace hero? Or, are you ready to become a hero? Be aware that if you choose the role of hero, you must enter a new world of dissension and trial where you will often feel more alone than ever before because your heroic power lies in facing unforgiving truths not in ... Views: 936
Learn to sell… Like the Pro’s!
Because sales training is interview training on steroids; because learning to do something well is the greatest confidence builder in the world; because you are “in sales” regardless of the career path you have chosen; and because “it is easier to file down the ... Views: 729
How many regular, full-time jobs did the U.S. shed in 2008? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US shed over 750,000 jobs last year. While you are seeking specific numbers, be aware that BLS unemployment data is understated. A changing employment model and inaccurate data call into ... Views: 776
Most Boomers, at least in the private sector, will increase their efforts to stay in or return to the workplace. According to The Congressional Budget Office retirement accounts have lost $2 trillion (yes, that’s $2,000,000,000,000) in the past year and a half. The Employee Benefit Research ... Views: 908
The restructuring of American business continues to put great pressure on the traditional relationship between employer and employee. With all this fracturing of businesses into different and smaller units, employers can’t guarantee jobs anymore because they don’t know what their companies will ... Views: 702