Why is the drinking age set at 21? This question is usually asked by the minor who wants to drink or is already drinking. In working with an adolescent population, I hear the litany of justifications that youth have for drinking underage and why they feel the laws are unjust. The problem is ... Views: 1671
When a person struggles with drinking or drug abuse there are many routes to take in order to find recovery. Typically a person will try to exhaust the least restrictive environments first, such as attending a 12-Step program, seeking therapy or trying to quit on their own. However it is often ... Views: 1227
When was the last time you spoke to your teen about drinking? This may include your drinking, their drinking or just the topic in general. This may seem like a silly question, but in fact it is an extremely important and often overlooked step in combating underage drinking.
In working with ... Views: 1052
Whether one goes into a rehab due to a court order, based on family encouragement/insistence or for their own self recovery, they should be applauded. It is not easy to take the first step in recovering from addiction. However, the true test of one’s sobriety happens when the person leaves the ... Views: 1155