CLEAN Communication...what you say matters!
After having facilitated thousands of discussions for my clients in conflict, mediating hundreds of cases and speaking to more than 60,000 people around the globe at conferences and events, I have learned a few things about communication. First, it ... Views: 1376
Business Vital Statistics
Just like your trip to the physician includes a series of vital sign checks (blood pressure, heart rate and temperature to name a few), so should our business management include the same types of checks.
As a speaker, consultant and author, I meet many ... Views: 1511
My friend, and media coach, Shawne Duperon is an expert at helping people refine their message, manage their fear, and get more publicity. Shawne says “People do business with people they like. People buy from people they like. People talk about people and services they like. People post and tag ... Views: 1413
Most often people are tougher on themselves than on anyone else. During my Conversations with Charmaine radio show I had with Marilyn Suttle and Shawne Duperon they both asked the question “how long before you forgive yourself?”
That's a great question! As a consultant and trainer in ... Views: 1745
Many of us are well aware of situations or circumstances that cause us stress. In the moment we can recognize the signs of emotional response to the stress we are suddenly experiencing. Are we as good at recognizing stress over the long term? What about stress that slowly creeps in? This ... Views: 1284
What comes to mind when you hear the word "Stress"? How do you define the word "stress"?
I have asked hundreds of people these two questions, and the answers continue to surprise me. However, the responses always seem to fall under these four categories: people, situations, outcomes and ... Views: 1321
In the midst of re-branding our business, I decided to put a stake in the ground. I claimed the title Bounce Forward Expert. Many people wonder and ask why I chose the brand "Bounce Forward" (TM). I get asked as many questions as to what it means to me and how I implement it. There is a, not ... Views: 1840
Developing goals both for the company and the team, as well as for individual performance improvement, are essential for business success. Goals keep the team moving in the same direction.
The process of setting goals takes time and focus and dedication from everyone involved. The following ... Views: 1269
The reality television show Parking Wars is an interesting way to learn about human reaction in crisis, frustration and about how people accept (or don't accept) responsibility.
One evening I popped into the show briefly. During the portion I watched I observed a young woman state that she ... Views: 1686
While watching a "sell this home" type TV show, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between renovating a home to sell it and developing effective sales skills in teams.
In the television episode, a woman was selling her home to downsize because her children had all left for college and ... Views: 1188
There are so many reality makeover shows on television that relate to fitness, appearance, one's house or yard. How about a business and team makeover as a way to bring change and welcome new success?
Years ago, when I had two businesses, I loved the last week of the year. For me it was a ... Views: 1015
I have had the opportunity to hear Professional Speaker and New York Times Bestselling Author Lisa Nichols tell her incredible story of perseverance. Through trial and tribulation she never gave up and overcame her struggles to achieve great success. Over the years I have heard many stories from ... Views: 1232
Do you remember travelling with the family as a child? Did you ever eat at one of those restaurants that had the placemats with activities on them? The mazes always seemed so hard to find your way out of. Unless, you started at the finish and worked backwards toward the start. For some reason ... Views: 1243
Recently I was watching television and caught the tail end of a powerful statement. I wish I knew who to credit for his/her brilliance. The statement was "Settle the past. Engage the present and believe in the future."
WOW, what an insight! I flew out of my chair to find a pen so that I could ... Views: 1303
Self-care on a daily basis is essential to being able to cope with change, especially in the work place.
There are strategies that we can do every day to ensure that we have the energy and the resources to cope with what comes our way. The first one is ensuring that we are eating healthily. ... Views: 1570
Work-Life Harmony... Balance... Whatever you call it, is a challenge at the best of times. Resilience is one key to maintaining wellness. Resilience is often defined as the ability to bounce back after change, challenge, crisis and adversity; however, I have learned that bouncing back might ... Views: 1398
During one of my recent Teambuilding Training Programs, I had the opportunity to ask the attending executives to identify the qualities of a "rich team". Of course, this question refers to the relationships and interactions of the team, not to how much money they generate. The responses I ... Views: 1303
Making an ASK (defined as a request) may not change your team, business, or life exponentially, but not ASKing will ensure the status quo remains. Making a request or an ASK can have a significant difference in the quality of your business, team, or life and help you quickly achieve what you ... Views: 1340
Smiling is a great stress buster and it can also change the environment around you. I have noticed the power of a smile when visiting workplaces for consulting or training projects. When the team is in their “serious mode”, it is obvious through their facial expressions (or lack of expression) ... Views: 2161
Lifestyle management, or being resilient, requires a balancing act and the juggling of a lot of priorities. For many years, I quite liked the concept of work/life balance. Watching other professionals who seemed to have it together and were living what appeared to be fairly stress-free lives, I ... Views: 1108
As entrepreneurs (and especially those in small businesses) the roads in business can sometimes be somewhat lonely and isolating. One solution is to consider working in partnership or collaboration with other businesses and colleagues to provide a service. Being a collaborator vs. competitor ... Views: 1253