We, as Americans, are guaranteed liberty in the Declaration of Independence. What can we say that this unalienable right represents? According to dictionary.com, liberty is freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control. In order to understand this in more depth let’s look at the ... Views: 1116
Life. Can we understand life by merely expressing its dictionary definition? Can we state that life is a state of being or the presence of vital signs, respiration, heartbeat, brain activity? Is that unalienable right to life that is endowed by our Creator and guaranteed by The Declaration of ... Views: 1426
When things get out of our control, danger lurks in the sidelines. Each of us has had situation occur where we seemed to have been tossed into the middle of a trial of which we had no control - a trial by fire.
In Proverbs 17:3 Solomon teaches "The crucible for silver and the furnace for ... Views: 1597
If we were to put all of the problems that we might encounter in a business, a friendship or a marriage into a pot and boil them down, what do you think might remain? The biggest factor in most failed businesses or friendships or marriages is 'unresolved conflicts.'
Marriages have been ruined ... Views: 2233
Lets take a little recap of the information in the first three articles in this series. We have learned:
1.) Article writing is a great foundation for building 'Name Recognition' for you
2.) Blogging gives you a platform for offering good information
3.) eNewsletters help build a list ... Views: 1151
We have discussed in previous articles the value in writing articles. This is an important first step. This gives you practice in researching information about 'particular' subjects, those that are relevant to your 'niche.' Article writing also gives you material that you can use for your other ... Views: 1099
In the first part of this series we talked about getting started with Affiliate marketing. In every start up business we need to consider both effectiveness and expense. Let's begin where we left off.
Article writing is a great way, although not the quickest way, to get your name associated ... Views: 1079
Every affiliate marketer needs to look for and use the most effective and the least expensive methods to generate traffic to his or her affiliate website. The concept of affiliate marketing is really profound when you take a close look. Someone offers a product or products for sale. The most ... Views: 1282
Everyone has the ability to concentrate – sometimes; while playing your guitar or piano or during a spellbinder of a movie - total concentration.
However, at other times your thoughts are scattered and your mind races from one thing to another. This is especially frustrating for a writer. ... Views: 1152
All of us, to some degree, have experienced the outcomes of some endeavor. It may have been horrible or just bad, or maybe mediocre or all right, or really good or great or absolutely fantastic. Too some degree, in my short 50 something years, I have experienced all of these outcomes.
If you ... Views: 1164
What should you be aware of when you look for God’s blessings in your life? Often, when a Christian tries to go into business for himself, he hits wall after wall. When a Christian gets interested in affiliate marketing, he can expect difficulties. There are many factors in play and I want ... Views: 697
How do you define ’success’? Would you say that it is finding the perfect job or career? Would you think that it is finding the perfect mate or circle of friends? Maybe you would say that success is the acquisition of great wealth or property or all of the toys that you have been ... Views: 995