People proudly deny occultism with a laugh and a smirk about how unreal it is, and how people are taken in by the occult sciences. They state their dependence on what is “real” and “solid” and palpable to their senses. Seeing is believing, they say! They frequently pound on the table to prove ... Views: 99
For those who can see vital energies and auras, the driving forces of any individual are quite easy to observe. One can observe this frequently in nightclubs where sexual energies are high and those with particularly powerful formations in this direction can be seen virtually radiating or oozing ... Views: 112
An individual in the business of wholesaling products to stores reported the following phenomenon he had experienced with one of his wholesale customers who ran a metaphysical bookshop in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a number of years. He would get a feeling that the buyer was reaching out to ... Views: 113
There is a famous story in the Mahabharata which has a profound meaning when it comes to the application of any power of action in the world, including the power to create thought formations. One of the protagonists in the great war that was fought at Kurukshetra was Arjuna. He was the greatest ... Views: 105
What is thought formation? For many people, the constant stream of haphazard ideas, thoughts, reflections and perceptions represents thought. Their minds are constantly bombarded by thoughts of all types without a consistent flow or theme. They jump from one subject to another without even a ... Views: 104
There are numerous vested interests, spanning the entire globe, which make the issues surrounding the degradation of the ocean and the ability of the planet to sustain human life and civilization, virtually impossible to resolve from our normal perspectives. Any change that seems necessary or ... Views: 123
As we have seen in the first two parts of this series, an existential crisis is facing, not only humanity, but the entire world. We have explored a number of aspects of this crisis and begun to understand the various types of solutions that will be required to solve this crisis in a timely ... Views: 118
In part 1 we provided an overview of the existential crisis facing the oceans, and by extension, the survival and the quality of life of humanity and other life on the planet due to the challenges to which the oceans are being subjected. That overview makes it clear that the oceans are ... Views: 119
Save the Oceans to Save the Planet: Part 1 Understanding the Issues
We give little thought to the oceans of the world and the importance they have in sustaining all life on the planet. We treat the oceans as a bounty for providing fish into the human diet, and as a transport medium for the ... Views: 118
The idea that there is a ‘law of attraction’ has gained significant attention in the West over the last few decades. It has largely been interpreted by the materialistic mind of the West as a way to attract wealth and all forms of fulfillment of desire. This, however, is both a misreading and a ... Views: 103
The Dhammapada provides the spiritual seeker with a deep wisdom that forces us to reflect and gain understanding. The Mother has taken up a particular verse about the harm caused by a mind that is not tightly focused and under control. With some consideration we can understand the deeper ... Views: 101
Whenever there is some kind of news headline about a major negative event, such as a school shooting, or a catastrophic earthquake or hurricane, we hear major political leaders express “thoughts and prayers” for the victims and their families. Everyone knows that there is no serious force behind ... Views: 103
There is an occult tradition that a practitioner of certain arts can create a formation, send it out to act upon another individual, and thereby succeed in achieving his objective with that other person. The stories mostly revolve around sending forces to harm another individual, and they point ... Views: 113
Physical forces take physical forms. Vital forces take vital forms. Even though they may act upon the physical existence of the being, they are not physical forces. Similarly, mental forces take mental forms on the mental plane. Once again, they may act upon vital forces and physical forces, but ... Views: 108
We take the chatter in our minds for granted and do not attribute any real significance or power to it most of the time. The constant influx of thoughts is just a lot of background noise, for the most part. When we concentrate on something and focus the thoughts, we recognise that we can ... Views: 104
One of the ways we tend to limit ourselves is to decide, in advance, that we cannot succeed at something, that we don’t have the education, the experience, the skill or the necessary training to accomplish that task. We imprison ourselves within our narrow range by this type of mental ... Views: 111
We tend to accept the limitations of the sense organs and the mind as if they are axioms, unable to be altered. We accept that blind people cannot see and that deaf people cannot hear. We believe we cannot interact using the mind alone to communicate or to experience things at a distance. We ... Views: 97
For the most part, we live within a framework set for us by our parents, community, society, education and the individual choices we make as a result of these things. To some extent these things determine where we will concentrate our focus, what capacities we will practice and develop, and ... Views: 105
Spiritual seekers harness the powers of body, vital being, emotions and mind in order to develop and eventually attain the goal of their seeking. The power of dedicated work, the power of the breath, the power of devotion, the power of concentration all have a part to play in the seeker’s ... Views: 115
We live in a time of incredible feats of technological progress. Digital technologies, quantum computing, wireless transmission of energy, solar power, airplane flights, space flight, landing on the moon, instant communications of audio and video content world-wide are things we tend to take for ... Views: 112
Earlier stages of human development kept the development of spiritual focus and occult powers to small groups of initiates, people who were vetted and who in many cases had to undergo special disciplines and ‘tests’ to ensure they were both worthy and capable of developing and holding the powers ... Views: 121
Developing external power through the use of technology has several unexpected or unintended consequences. One of these, of course, is to give us powers of observation and action that were not available to us through the normal progression of physical, vital and mental development. In order to ... Views: 103
We rarely reflect on the occult powers that we use all the time, automatically, including the various powers of the mind and emotions. Researchers in the field of medical science have now recognized the important role that our mental state has on our health and well-being. They now admit the ... Views: 128
When an individual undertakes tapasya, the concentration of conscious force, in any manner, it is certain that the results will bring about new powers for that individual, whether an accentuation of powers that the individual already possessed and exercised to some degree, or the development and ... Views: 96
In the movie Sixth Sense, a psychiatrist meets up with a young boy who claims to see dead people and interact with them. The psychiatrist spends the better part of the film trying to understand the boy and bring him out of his delusion. In the end, it turns out that the psychiatrist gains the ... Views: 102
Our attitude to the development of what many call “psychic powers” is ambivalent, at best. Our popular culture is awash with movies, books, television programs and any number of healers, psychics, and occult practitioners plying their trade in our society. At the same time, while these themes ... Views: 113
As the evolution of consciousness unfolds we see the development and expression of ever-increasing powers of knowledge and action. There are powers of perception, there are powers of thought and reflection, there are powers of vital expression, emotion, and there are physical powers. Because ... Views: 101
When we try to define consciousness we tend to do it from an individual standpoint, our own state of awareness. From a broader perspective however, we can see that consciousness exceeds both in scope and power, that of the individual status. Western science is moving toward a view that will ... Views: 105
In his epic poem Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol, Sri Aurobindo explores the vast field of human consciousness and development. Along the way he provides numerous references to hidden, latent powers within each of us, psychic powers, powers of mind, vital powers and powers of the physical being, ... Views: 119
We are a civilisation obsessed with the idea of power. In the external world, we fixate on economic power, political power, military might, physical strength and various forms of magical and sexual power. We recognize the power of ideas, of charismatic leaders, of religious teachings and many ... Views: 124
We tend to live our lives in the belief that we are separate and isolated from one another. We struggle to survive and thrive in a world where every other being is competing with us for their own survival and self-aggrandisement. In such a world, we suffer from self-doubt, anxiety, fear, and ... Views: 118
Ascent and integration. Relentless effort. What many do not appreciate is that any attempt to achieve individual perfection or transformation is limited by the readiness of the world and the rest of humanity in particular, to accept those changes that are needed for this to occur. Thus, progress ... Views: 116
We start from the ego-consciousness and we treat ourselves, from that standpoint, as independent, separate and “walled off” from all other beings, interacting with them from our insulated status. When we then turn to spiritual growth and development from this standpoint, we start by looking at ... Views: 124
We are able to perceive and respond to specific frequency ranges. Anything above, or below the frequency ranges to which we are attuned, does not register with us consciously, although there may be some subtle impact and energetic action that takes place, even so. We see that in the case of the ... Views: 128
We are rarely conscious of the constant interchange taking place on the vital level of our being. Vital vibrations are constantly active in the world and all beings wind up being exposed to them and absorbing them. Those who live in more isolated locations tend to have less direct and intense ... Views: 121
A devotee residing at Sri Aurobindo Ashram some years ago tried an experiment which he reported. For a specific time period he determined not to speak. He did not do this in an indiscriminate way, however. He implemented this experiment by avoiding all social speech whatsoever, but agreed to ... Views: 100
Authoritarian states throughout history have understood, intuitively, the power of collective vibration and suggestion. Nazi Germany created a propaganda ministry that had as its goal continuously repeating certain key phrases, to raise up specific emotions and sentiments, and then to enforce ... Views: 122
A powerful technique for inner growth and understanding is to sit quietly and simply observe one’s thoughts and feelings as they arise. Then, trace back any of them to where and how it arose. What triggered it? Where did it come from? Initially it is difficult to successfully carry out this ... Views: 116
Teilhard de Chardin described what he called a noosphere, a belt of mental energy that encompasses the earth, and which moves vibrations that can be perceived at the mental level and converted into thoughts and thought-forms. This is similar to the biosphere at the level of the life-energy and ... Views: 125
The ego-consciousness lives within the illusion of having free will and making its own independent decisions. A closer examination shows us that the individual is not an ‘island’ unto himself; rather, he is a result of innumerable factors from genetics, to pre-natal influences, to interactions ... Views: 92
If we review our lives through the lens of ‘history’, that is, looking back over the events of our lives from where we are today, we can see that things we thought, at the time, were positive things were in some cases, highly detrimental to us over time; and similarly, things we found ... Views: 116
We tend to interpret events from our own ego-standpoint as to whether they are “good” or “bad” without reflecting on or considering how they relate to a larger picture and longer perspective. This means we judge circumstances as if they occur by ‘chance’ and we evaluate these things with the ... Views: 108
When we are fixed in the external consciousness and perceive things with the external senses, we treat material objects as ‘solid’. We do not see that they are actually energy that has been condensed to appear solid to us, while in fact, they are a form of energy. Western scientists, however, ... Views: 111
We spend little time or thought on the place we occupy in the universal creation. The larger forces at work, the consciousness that creates, builds, shapes and directs this massive and complex undertaking remain hidden from us. The power we can consciously receive and utilize is a minute amount ... Views: 135
The law of inertia holds that it takes energy to move something that is stationary, and the more massive the object is, the more energy required to move it. A similar principle operates in human actions. We have our fixed habits, whether physical habits, instincts, trained responses, ... Views: 119
We are constantly surrounded by ‘miracles’ in the sense that our lives are filled with activities, events, processes and circumstances that we clearly do not understand, but accept based on some explanation, assuming that someone knows what it is all about. Airplanes flying through the air, ... Views: 142
We typically live rooted in the ego-consciousness in the external, physical world. We judge things based on our perceptions, our physical, vital and mental processes and our habitual way of understanding things from the standpoint of the ego. This leads to a very limited and biased viewpoint ... Views: 115
What is the will of the Divine, and how can we know it? The usual answer is some prescription from one religion or another with a doctrine supported by that religious persuasion as being the correct interpretation. In some cases, the Divine Will seems thereby to be in conflict from one religion ... Views: 91
We are born into a family, a culture, a society, a given economic and political system, an educational process, and a vast number of social habits, customs and predilections which create for us a framework within which we are expected to take up our destined place in society and carry it ... Views: 132
The terms ‘divine grace’, along with ‘cosmic law’ and ‘divine compassion’, are transcriptions into human terms from our human viewpoint of actions and events that take place from an entirely different level of the divine manifestation and with a viewpoint that far exceeds that of our limited ... Views: 113