As a Marriage Therapist, couples come to see me with a wide array of goals. Generally, they want to resolve their conflicts, stop fighting, get better connected, and well…be happier!
I don’t have a Happiness Magic Wand, but I have gathered some information about how to help over the years. ... Views: 398
Recently, each day when I sit down to write a new blog, I end up feeling empty, exhausted, and uninspired. In the past, I’ve been energetic, enthusiastic, and full of ideas. I find myself wondering if there’s something wrong with me. What has changed? Am I depressed?
As a Mental Health ... Views: 470
Do you know about the Five Languages of Love? In 1992, Gary Chapman wrote a book by that title. It sold 8,500 copies in its first year, roughly twice the expected number. It has been on the New York Times Best Seller list since 2009. A newly revised edition was released in 2015. Dr. Chapman has ... Views: 536
Were you a rambunctious kid growing up? I know at times I certainly was. I can clearly remember those moments when my parents would send me to my room for a time-out to calm down and reflect on my behavior. I wasn’t allowed to see any of my friends or go out to play. I can still remember the ... Views: 573
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Often, when people think about mental health, they tend to focus solely on mental illness. Mental health does, of course, include anxiety, depression and other diagnoses — but it encompasses much more than that. Positive factors, such as resiliency, ... Views: 460
There are many models of Couples Therapy today. One thing that they have in common is the advice to eliminate negativity in communication. This is a hard thing to do, but is vitally important.
Let's take a look at why it's essential to remove criticism and what to do instead.
Does your ... Views: 790
You've found the love of your life. You've fallen in love. You've dated, become engaged and gotten married. You've longed to make your duo into a trio and after some waiting you now have a baby!
What could possibly go wrong?
We know that even the strongest relationships are challenged ... Views: 829
Hours spent on wedding plans: Hundreds
Dollars spent on wedding vendors: Thousands
Time spent on Marriage Preparation: Priceless
The average couple will spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars preparing for their wedding day. I get it. It’s an important lovely day. It’s a party ... Views: 1387
“My son wants to live with his Dad; what do I do?”
Suddenly the joint custody arrangement you shared with your ex-husband no longer meets your
child’s needs – at least in his mind – and he has made the decision that he’d like to live with his
father full time.
While to your son this may seem ... Views: 1261
“Couple Celebrates 80 Years of Marriage!”
Just a sensational headline? Incredibly, no!
The latest in a number of marriages highlighted in the news over the past year tell the remarkable story of Mitchell and Mattie Atkins of West Philadelphia.
Married on January 14th, 1930, they were ... Views: 2045
Emily stood in the rain intently staring at the travel poster outside the travel agency. Stunning sandy beaches, sun streaming onto golden beach goers, calm water just as blue as a sapphire. But the photo told only half the story; the headline told the rest:
“Forget the Family Drama & ... Views: 3569
Many years ago, when I was a younger woman, I had a girlfriend whom I considered to be my very, very best friend. We spoke daily, we traveled together, and we spent many evenings and weekends at each other’s homes. It sounds pretty great, except for one small detail. During all of those phone ... Views: 2067
My son plays travel baseball. As a result, I found myself, as I do many a weekend, spending countless hours in bleachers the past few days. At one point, as the other team slipped ahead by several runs, I noticed that the coaches and supportive parents yelled things like, “Get into the game”; ... Views: 1370