What I have noticed is that many of us confuse being responsible with feeling accountable. How do we do that? Let’s begin with clarifying the distinction between both qualities.
As a giving person, you may describe yourself as responsible. You follow through with your commitments. You take ... Views: 1300
The Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing model of group development was first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, who maintained that these phases are all necessary and inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, ... Views: 1130
“I am sorry.” There are so many lessons to be learned about how to say these simple and very powerful words.
I remember when, in my early life, I said those words a lot. I said them so unconsciously I really didn’t realize I said them as often as I did until my first personal growth teacher ... Views: 1143
Claiming Your Life as Your Own becomes especially important during periods of transition. Outgrowing a career, retiring, entering a new relationship, leaving an old relationship to be single again, becoming a parent or residing as an empty nester after raising a family - all of these and more ... Views: 1681
In my own practice, the foundation of what I do at the beginning of every coaching partnership is supporting each client to get clear about what it is that they truly want. From that point, possibilities open up to be explored and acted upon and lives start to shift in magical ways.
My ... Views: 2635
In the midst of difficult times, we can forget the special resource living deeply within us that has brought us through situations when we felt pressured or trapped or challenged. This inner resource, available to everyone, is a source of solidity and strength that lives at the core of us and ... Views: 1344
Part of fully claiming your own life is learning the steps to stay “in your own business”. What that means essentially is staying focused on your own affairs, rather than determining what those around you “should” or “should not” be up to.
One way we intrude into someone else’s business is by ... Views: 1535
Many loving, naturally-giving people experience an imbalance in their flow of giving and receiving. They give easily; it’s receiving from others that is challenging. Unlike those who have difficulty considering others, this message is addressed to those who disregard considering themselves! ... Views: 1434
What I’ve seen as a professional coach is that much of our personal power (‘claiming our life as our own’) relies on setting clear boundaries – listening to our own values, asking for help, and knowing what we want and don’t want. There’s an art to setting boundaries that do not become barriers ... Views: 1348
What I’ve seen as a professional coach is that much of our personal power (‘claiming our life as our own’) relies on setting clear boundaries – listening to our own values, asking for help, and knowing what we want and don’t want. There’s an art to setting ... Views: 1318