My Vision For YOU
This morning I turned on the TV,
I new it was a message for me
And much to my surprise it brought strong tears to my eyes
The broadcast was from Joplin, Mo
It showed me that my messages are to be told
About hope and not sorrow
That my writings are TRUTH ... Views: 1110
Devastation is all around us
Why you ask? Because it shakes you up to change your ways
Money is not the key
Buying, having greed And the need
To own more stuff
It's not the direction
Love, unity, peaceful ways, trust and oneness and our connections
To each other
We are ... Views: 1124
Weather changes are here to stay
At least for awhile so forget about it and go out and play
Earth is changing faster than you know
You feel it, just go with the flow
Soon it will pass as quickly as it came
But don't make yourself become insane
Everything happens for a ... Views: 1106
Love is destiny
Love is free
Love is unconditional
That's how it's meant to be
Finding happiness is the key
Loving everyone
Loving all races,. all religions
Loving you, loving me
This emotion is what we are about
It's who we are but that's all changed, no ... Views: 1094
We all have experienced painful relationship drama. When a relationship ends, it feels as though the wind was knocked right out of us. Relationships are never a waste of your time, even though they end. Some of us move on while others keep themselves locked into the pain. I have heard it all; "I ... Views: 1111
Everyone has had a relationship at least once in their life. That "love" feeling is so wonderful until that day comes when you break apart. After the illusion of what you thought a relationship should be, the wall comes up to protect yourself. Love and relationships are challenging that is for ... Views: 1518
Earthquakes, tsunamis, destruction is here
It is not real, there is nothing to fear
It's time to comeback to your own
What is important, is it your home,
Your stuff, how much you own?
That is gone it's about love and togetherness
So be strong and do not stress
You already know this so tap ... Views: 1143
Soft flakes fall from the sky
White powder for you and I
It's fresh, it's clean
It gleams in the sun
For your enjoyment
To frolic and have fun
Look around you and you will see
How Mother Earth Supplies all our needs
Food, water, trees, fragrant flowers,
To frolic in ... Views: 1312
Every person has heard of autism and everybody wonders why there are so many children who have it. My question first off is who decided what is normal and what isn't? Who's to say that Autism is not normal? Why does our society always look to blame someone or something they do not ... Views: 1670
Doesn't everyone want the love they have dreamed of? Don't we all wish deep within us to find that fairy tale romance we have watched so many times on television or in the movies?
In order to create a healthy relationship is to love and accept who you are. When you can love and accept ... Views: 1901
Stars light up tonight
Show us a new flight
Of Independence and glee
Happiness Abounds and it's free
Open your wings, wake up it's real
Everything you want is on a wheel
Visualize, see it pick it out
Go and make it come about
Only you have the power to do it so
Get off ... Views: 1115
If what you think is what you create for yourself, then only think about the positives. If everyone would take responsibility for their own lives then the world would be a much better place.
The problem is most of us are from dysfunctional families. We each have our own issues and challenges ... Views: 5477
Whatever I write, comes from my glow
I never know what I will get
I just let it flow
Comes from deep within my heart
That is how it starts
I open to receive
The messages are pure, so believe
That what I say is guided from above
Where the joy, the laughter and fun resides; ... Views: 1138
Everyone has had a relationship at least one time in their life. Love and relationships are challenging that is for sure. People are fearful of commitment, afraid of being rejected, and actually it's the fear that keep us in problematic relationships.
The two main ingredients, other ... Views: 1573