Meditation entails any practice used to quiet one’s mind thus enabling the practitioner to focus on the present moment. Physical activities including yoga, walking, running, sewing, cooking, etc. may focus the mind and empty it of extraneous thoughts. Less physical activities including ... Views: 1432
The “I” s of intimacy (a.k.a interruptions) abundantly threaten relationships on a regular basis. Naturally occurring “I”s can’t be avoided no matter how much an individual or couple may try. Such is life. Many “I”s are obvious to all parties involved while some remain hidden to self as well ... Views: 1181
The pop phrase “Location, Location, Location” is commonly associated with real estate. It connotes the three key factors in determining the desirability of a property: location, location, and location. When it comes to female orgasm, however, the cliché “location, location, location” is ... Views: 1034