As we grow older, there's a good chance we will experience back problems. The most annoying part is that we cannot do as much about about it when we already have it. However, preventing these back problems from happening can be easy. All you have to do is to train your back muscles to be ... Views: 711
People exercise to get fit. Though exercising may result to mild muscle soreness, pain may indicate injury. Most exercises carry a certain amount of injury risk. There are certain exercises, however, that pose a higher risk to your well being. Your fitness success depends on your ability to ... Views: 790
For most women, getting fit and lean is a battle that's often lost. With so many things to keep your whole day occupied, it's no wonder that most end up depressed after weigh-ins, having discovered a gain of 5 pounds, seemingly overnight. So, how do we fight a "impossible" enemy? First, gaining ... Views: 745
Myths and misconceptions surround the idea of weight lifting for women. Even young women who go the gym regularly balk at lifting dumbbells heavier than two or four pounds unless what they really have in mind in the first place is to grow muscles. I have observed women in the gym, refusing a ... Views: 706
We all know the value of exercise. It is the one thing you can do to minimize the effects of aging. It affects the physiologic, mental and emotional aspects of man. Yet, most of us procrastinate when it comes to working out. People give different reasons for not exercising. Some medical ... Views: 662
Christmas is a time to celebrate. If you're like most people, this means parties, and lots of it. For some, weight gain is inevitable at this time of year. You'd be lucky if you can maintain your weight or just gain a few pounds. Some studies show that you can expect up to 5 to 6 pounds weight ... Views: 653
Everybody knows the holidays increase the risk of weight gain. With all the yummy foods and drinks, you can gain as much as seven pounds by the start of the new year. If you are weight conscious, the holidays could pose a major setback. It would be a wise move on your part to plan ahead. There ... Views: 589
If you're like most people, you're likely to gain at least one pound during the holiday season. It may not be much but adding one pound to an already heavy frame is just one pound too many. It's hard to resist the holidays, though. It's the season when you see people you haven't seen the whole ... Views: 604
Aside from the obvious reasons like overeating and having a sedentary lifestyle, there are other things that make us fat. Though these two are the most celebrated culprits, it is not wise to disregard factors that sabotage our weight loss goals. It is best to know where the pounds are coming ... Views: 657
There are so many things that may hinder you from losing weight. Some may be external factors while others may be internal. For some people it may be as easy as changing a few habits. For others, there may be physical conditions that prevent them from leading an active life. What we're going to ... Views: 817
People come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are three generally accepted body types. The mesomorph, the ectomorph and the endomorph. Knowing which group your body type belongs to will help you determine the fitness and diet programs to follow that will yield satisfactory results. Body ... Views: 683
Are you planning to get a treadmill for your apartment or house? If you are, then you came to the right site. Like many people today, we find ourselves oftentimes to busy to jog or even walk outside because of work, parenthood, etc. And so we want to take the plunge and finally get that awesome ... Views: 616
Exercise is an essential part of daily life. Human beings are designed to move and mobilize. It is a fact of life that people would rather skip exercise, citing the most mundane reasons. However, there are times when exercise will do more harm than good. It is important to know these conditions ... Views: 653
Cardio exercises are a typical part of your workout routine. It would sometimes be the only exercise that some people do in a day because cardio exercises are usually easy and fun to do. They are also a good pairing to any other workout you do like weight training. The reason for that is because ... Views: 675
When you do not have the luxury of time to exercise at the gym, you can still continue to work out at home. However, you sometimes might get easily distracted or bored. Other times, especially when you have kids or important home matters to attend to, you get delayed in doing your exercise. The ... Views: 628
December is just around the corner and it only means one thing - Christmas. Everybody loves this season because aside from the fact that there will be less days at the office, there will surely be lots of time to rest and lots of food to munch on. However, this also makes for an all-too-easy way ... Views: 615
December is such a special month of the year - quality time with family, exchanging gifts, and sumptuous food all month long! Yes, the first two things are so lovely to have, but too much of the Christmas appetite would also mean that you have to put up some pounds also. To avoid doing that, you ... Views: 600
Metabolism is the body's ability to use food as energy. The rate at which the body uses energy determines the amount of calories needed for one's daily caloric requirement. Knowing how to tap into the power of metabolism can boost health and weight loss. The natural process of aging affects the ... Views: 861
If you are experiencing lapses in your workout schedule, then you could try to do these tips. Working out is such a tiresome yet effective way of losing weight, building up muscles, and improving your general health status. Our issue is that people, especially busy professionals, often delay ... Views: 614
Addiction is a huge problem many people go through and it's a very dangerous. It can lead to a lot of diseases, even death. Some people take drugs or alcohol voluntarily because they like the feeling they get from taking them, and it's sometimes involuntary because the body is so used to these ... Views: 643
Are you getting bored of the usual workout sessions? I'll admit that facing the same wall and talking to the same people every day can bore anyone easily. Especially for people who are easily bored, this scenario may be considered as torture, in a manner of speaking. However, you can turn those ... Views: 1041
Starting a weight loss program begins with motivation. Maybe the person in the mirror has gained a few pounds, or your jeans are bursting at the seams. You may not be able to climb a simple flight of stairs without losing your breath or getting winded. Whatever the reason, you feel that you have ... Views: 679
Exercise is important in staying healthy and keeping our body in shape. But with any physical activity, there is a risk of getting injured. Injuries from working out can be as minor as a scratch and as major as a broken bone. Most major injuries will stop you from doing other things, including ... Views: 620
It is almost the time of the year where food is plentiful and rest is abundant. It is also a perfect season to break off from worries of the office and extra activities such as your regular exercise schedule. However, when you cut your regular exercise, eat, or sleep a lot, you also would gain ... Views: 679
Exercise should be an essential part of your daily activities. It is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your body is running in top condition. Planning should always precede an effective and efficient exercise plan. We may be spending so much time in the gym and yet ... Views: 650
Between a healthy diet and regular exercise, the former is a lot easier to accomplish. People have plenty of reasons why they cannot effectively stick to an exercise schedule. Some might say that they are too busy to work out or they spend a lot of money and effort in working out at the gym, but ... Views: 753
Having a healthy heart is not an easy thing to achieve nowadays. In the modern society, a lot of things we easily do are potentially endangering our hearts to succumb to plenty of lifestyle diseases. To add to that, people think that cardio exercise takes a lot of time and effort to boost the ... Views: 726
Weight lifting is a form of exercise that is geared towards developing the different muscle groups. A lot of people go to the gym to tone the areas
they want to develop. Developing your muscles can't be done easily, though. You will have to spend months trying to get them to shape up. ... Views: 863
Everyone can benefit from stretching. Everyone can learn how to stretch, in spite of age or flexibility levels. Most people acknowledge weight training and cardio exercise as important. Stretching is often left out or forgotten altogether. What people don't know is how stretching impacts their ... Views: 1386
A lot of products today promise to fight aging and maintain youthfulness. True, many people worry about getting old. Both men and women dread old age and the weaknesses that it brings with it. From beauty potions to vitamin supplements, store shelves are filled to the brim with anti aging ... Views: 746
We want to lose weight quickly. We want results that we can see in as little time as possible. Then we resort to crash diets and extreme exercises that leave us weak and deprived. This article will give you simple and sensible tips that you can do easily. The purpose of a fitness plan is to ... Views: 960
At any time, you may have a friend, a co-worker or a family member who is on a diet. Most diets deprive us of a specific food group or a substantial amount of calories. Consequently, dieting manifests its disadvantages in how we feel. Hunger, depression and anxiety are just some of its symptoms. ... Views: 795
By the end of 2009, almost 40 million people comprise the 65 and above age bracket of the US population. That is approximately 13% of the total US population. Conditions associated with this age group is fatigue, weakness, decrease in physical and mental health and increased depression and ... Views: 1199
Water could be the single most important weight loss aid that most of us take for granted. Our body is made up of approximately 60-70% water and all bodily functions depend on water to continue working properly. For a weight management plan to succeed, most fitness experts would agree that water ... Views: 829
Weight loss articles are a dime a dozen. Information gets so mixed up that its hard to sift through what is true and what is not. Everybody has something to say about weight loss and how to go about it. That's all well and good but we get confused with all the data coming in. There are so many ... Views: 917
What is the single, most important thing one can do to achieve overall wellness? Experts believe the answer to that question is exercise. Exercise affects a person's mental and physical well being. For our bodies to perform at its maximum, a well planned exercise regimen is crucial. The absence ... Views: 731
With all our busy schedules these days, sometimes getting to the gym is just more of a time requirement than anything else. And when time is short, the days of going to the gym become less and less. In just a few weeks, you can fall out of your regular exercise routine, and before you know it, ... Views: 709
There are some foods, mostly vegetables, that need more calories to digest than it contains. These foods however, limit our choices as well as inhibit us from having a well balanced meal. There are certain food groups on the other hand, that increase metabolic activity and break down fatty ... Views: 854
Treadmills are the most preferred machine for exercise. At the gym, you will realize that there are a lot more people lining up to use the treadmill than any other machine. And why not? Treadmills are easy to use and burn a lot of calories. According to studies, the treadmill burns 705 to 865 ... Views: 821
You might want to get rid of those "muffin tops" or that unsightly bulging belly. Both are undesirable and you want it gone. Lots of people struggle with the same thing. Aside from their aesthetic disadvantages, they can also be a sign of bad health. Although we all know that the size of a ... Views: 799
When we gain weight, the one thing that bothers us are the flabby areas. And as we get older, those flabby areas seem like they're being pulled down by gravity giving us those wing-like fat under our arms. When we lose weight, the problem is it sometimes stays there. It is not a pretty sight. ... Views: 893
You want to get back into shape but the thought of going outside and taking your chances against the crazy drivers puts you off a bit. Or maybe the cold weather makes you wish you could do something indoors. So you start thinking about getting a treadmill. You go online to start your research ... Views: 789
The Holiday season is so near! This December, what are you going to do? Are you going to rest a lot? Are you going to eat a lot? Or are you still going to watch your weight? The best choice is to watch your weight, even if it's a little inconvienent. A lot of people choose to reward themselves ... Views: 800
When people get in shape, the main focus of their workout are normally to lose weight and to lose their tummy. But there are times that we achieve both but that lousy love handle stays behind just above our waistline giving us that mushroom look. And no matter how many sit ups or crunches you ... Views: 809
I want to let you in on a little secret. I have learned this as a result of being overweight for years (decades actually) and finally winning the battle of the bulge. I lost over 50 lbs in 5 months and ended up with that awesome six pack all guys dream about. (And yes, girls also want that firm, ... Views: 779
Making cardio fun may sound like pipe dream to most. Stay with me, though, and you will see something that makes perfect sense. And that's coming from someone who used to be a total couch potato. For years, I went with zero exercise on a daily basis. Then I decided to get into shape, and the ... Views: 717
There are many little things we do mindlessly that sabotage our diet plans. Sometimes, we even abandon our diet plans because we think they're not working. We get so frustrated because despite our best efforts, we still pile on the pounds. However, observing our eating habits carefully may ... Views: 685
Walking is the most popular form of exercise. It does not require special equipment nor require that you spend money. It is effective, especially when you want long term weight loss. Many people start their exercise programs with walking. Old and young alike can start walking off excess weight ... Views: 913
Halloween gives some people a scare. Not because of the goblins and the ghouls. It's because Halloween means lots and lots of candies. And it's not easy to resist them. Candies are empty calories. It is going to add inches to your waist. If you're the average suburban mom, you can expect some ... Views: 777
You might be thinking that you need start exercising again. Actually, a lot of us do. However, it's sometimes boring if we do it on our own. And without the proper equipment we have to frequently go to the gym. With the advent of science and technology, we can now bring the gym to our home, by ... Views: 916