Understanding your choices is essential in managing conflict. And, yes, there is always more than one choice! You just have to decide what consequence you will live with. This helps you resolve your own inner conflict. And just as important is the strategy of providing choices for others ... Views: 1627
“I'm tired of arguing” are four of the most defeating words in your relationships. And there really are better ways for effectively managing conflict!
As a coach and human resource administrator, I've heard these words so many times and usually it says more about you than it does about ... Views: 6305
The biggest obstacle to effective conflict management may just be your own history! You and the others in your relationships all have a past when it comes to communicating, building relationships and managing conflicts.
Your patterns of behavior are built on your perceptions of what is ... Views: 1224
There are so many positive strategies and processes to use in managing conflict effectively. And sometimes it’s very important to know how to avoid the pitfalls.
You will enhance your success in finding heart peace if you stay aware of the energies that are the indicators and outcomes of ... Views: 1595
Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. (Matthew: 5:23-25)
Managing conflict sometimes means ... Views: 1545
Stepping Up Spiritually is a basic element of being on any Path of expanded consciousness. It is really for each of us to interpret what being my brother’s keeper means in our daily lives.
Fortunately, it is one of those phrases that needs little in the way of basic explanation. It is the ... Views: 1952
Are you a disciple of some faith? What is the Truth that you bear witness to through your faith? By definition, a disciple of Christ is always stepping up spiritually by bearing witness to Jesus the Christ. Being a disciple need not mean that you throw off all your earthly occupations or do ... Views: 1359
Conflict happens in relationships. And the tension it brings is opportunity knocking at the door.
We actually learn more by listening than we do by talking! When we are experiencing contrast or conflict with others, we are usually trying our best to persuade them to our point of view. ... Views: 2761
Most of us grow up conditioned to believe that conflict is bad. That is a myth! And it’s a pretty destructive myth because it places all of us in a position of being bad in some way because we are in conflict within ourselves or we experience conflict with others.
Truthfully, being in ... Views: 1759
"Karma, or cosmic justice, puts everyone into conditions where they can either learn or atone for something." Helena Roerich
Is Karma fair? In Biblical terms, karma is reaping what you sow. As it turns out, that word “karma” has karma of its own. It sometimes has bad press because some ... Views: 3145
Economic times are bad! Finances are tight! I can’t afford to carry these people!
Sound familiar? If you add your energy to this choir of voices in conflict, you are actually creating a reality that you don’t want! How DO you deal with conflict and financial realities without adding ... Views: 1239