Once you go onto the Internet, it's easy to find thousands of how-to tutorial videos about software presentations and Website demos. And making tutorial video by screencasting has become one of the most popular ways for training and presentation. If you are looking for the tips of how to create ... Views: 1077
Learning how to master Photoshop is always a popular thing that many students, photographer and art designers get addicted on. And there had been millions of tutorials, lessons being made for them from the day Photoshop was born. There have been many changes and advancements in technology, ... Views: 1659
The days just before New Year are always quite memorable since we're reviewing our 2009 and looking forward to 2010. As the host of blogs, every blogger wishes the New Year can bring more visitors and opportunities for their blogs, so do you make your New Year resolution list like we ... Views: 1042
We had the rapid technology development of new mobile devices and platforms, virtualization, cloud computing, and more. But we also met the serious financial crisis in 2008. In enterprises, more and more people are upgrading their OA systems and products with new technologies. Nowadays high ... Views: 1358