As adults we are well aware of the stress in our lives. It comes at us from all directions - work, relationships, finances, health, politics, and world events to name a few. Although we don't often recognize it, children can be just as stressed out as their parents and the other adults in their ... Views: 1370
It ranks among the great imponderables: Is there something deeper at the core of our being, something intrinsic and organic? Something even greater than our consciousness? What animates us into life as a newborn, and what leaves us at our death? How did we arrive at consciousness in this vast ... Views: 1195
These easy-to-implement steps will empower you and help you to take control of your emotions.
There are 5 important steps to managing your anger:
1. Practice deep breathing regularly to develop an innate sense of your early warning signs and avoid angry situations when possible.
2. ... Views: 1519
Here's an essay we did wth Heiner Fruehauf, founding professor of the School of Classical Chinese Medicine at the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Classic Oriental medicine teaches that we are literally somewhere between heaven and earth. All traditional medicine began ... Views: 9438
Perfect breathing is the powerful marriage of breath awareness and conscious breathing. The most difficult aspect of conscious breathing is the “conscious” part. Breath awareness informs and advises us so that we can consciously and intentionally shape our life and experience. ... Views: 1319
Smart managers are always looking for ways to improve the bottom line performance of their company or team. But you may have overlooked a powerful business tool that can reduce work-place stress and absenteeism, in addition to improving performance and creativity. Best of all, it requires no new ... Views: 1252
We are certainly living through trying times. As we face significant political decisions, war, threats to our environment, and watch the world’s financial systems work through an extremely shaky period of uncertainty and confusion, many of us find ourselves in crisis mode. We’re ... Views: 1243
What is the secret to a happy, healthy life? The answers are shouted tirelessly from the headlines of countless checkout-stand magazines, with new routines and remedies proffered every week. Truly, there are many paths to health and happiness, but one of the easiest and most effective avenues ... Views: 1274