Do you want a Life during school?
Student school speed reading
Is there Life after Study?
For every classroom hour, you are told to study 3 – 4 hours outside of the classroom. That is ABSURD!
Study it University
You, or someone you know right now is being forced into hard labor just because ... Views: 492
It’s all about the brain, right? All the different things you can store in it. Mental Photography is the vehicle.
In short, Mental Photography gives you the ability to utilize Loads of information, taking in 25 to 50,000 words per month to start with. It’s using your photographic memory. The ... Views: 443
What Makes You Genius | ZOX Pro | Mental Photography
by Dr Shannon Panzo | | ZOX Pro | 0 comments
a Definition of Genius
A genius is someone who displays outstanding logical ability, ingenuity, cleverness, or inventiveness, typically related to the attainment of fresh advances in an ... Views: 516
Self Improvement Training Qualities
Whenever you think about self improvement, who are you thinking about? Are you thinking about the person living next door? Are you thinking about the person that is providing the information? Of course not; you are thinking about yourself!
The main reason ... Views: 464
Self Improvement Training Qualities
Whenever you think about self improvement, who are you thinking about? Are you thinking about the person living next door? Are you thinking about the person that is providing the information? Of course not; you are thinking about yourself!
The main reason ... Views: 485
Innovations in Brain Management, ZOX Pro Training, Mental Photography, & ZOXing
Brain Management Home Study Training vs. ZOX Pro Training
Here is a question that I get asked a lot. Many people want to know,…
What is the difference between ZOX Pro Training and the Brain Management Home Study ... Views: 513
Summary from previous podcast…
This is the Photographic Memory Podcast, where we deal with the photographic memory. The photographic memory a natural automatic ability that you are already have within you. Most people have just lost touch with it. I teach people how to get reacquainted with ... Views: 440
The photographic memory first starts at infancy as the eidetic memory. It is what you were born with – completely natural. Seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting – it is what makes you human. You have an eidetic memory you are born with. You never lose it. Eidetic memory is the same ... Views: 523
Discussion with a traditional educator, certified in Elementary Education about the
eidetic memory, reading, dyslexia, and Mental Photography.
The eidetic memory starts at the time of birth. You already have it. It’s already in place –
it’s automatic. You’re going to be using the eidetic ... Views: 673
S: That’s a double-edged sword, don’t you think? In our, in our realities today, we all
need technology in order to do what we need to do. And as long as we use them as
tools to accomplish what it is that we need to accomplish, especially if you use it
for your work, then that the right thing ... Views: 477
What are the benefits of learning photographic memory?
Photographic Memory is a term that most people think only a few people in the world have. The general public believes only the geniuses have this gift. Around fifty percent of psychologists and psychologists in the world believe that the ... Views: 729
What is Photographic Memory?
Photographic Memory is a term that most people think only a few people in the world have. The general public believes only the geniuses have this gift. Around fifty percent of psychologists and psychologists in the world believe that the photographic memory does ... Views: 728
Decision Making and Clarity
Does the proper use of The Secret Law of Attraction confuse you?
In recent years there have been a number of organizations pop up that give you complex ways to solve simple problems. That seems a bit convoluted to how you would prefer to ... Views: 1988
The pursuit of happiness …
Learn from your experiences
You have no doubt heard or read this phrase, and without a doubt, it is good advice. But you can learn from the lessons from others and avoid the pain that they suffered to obtain their first-hand wisdom.
Pain: ... Views: 1952
Have you always believed that life is inherently unfair, regardless of how much you wish that circumstances were otherwise? So why is life so unfair? One way to address the question is to visualize everyone in the world as “naked.” That includes you – me, EVERYONE! Reactions to ... Views: 2034
Don’t give it a second thought…
Have you ever thought,“Why do I NOT need to think about breathing – it just happens?”
Basic life functions such asbreathing,blood flowandheartbeatare controlled by thebrain stem, located at thebrain’s base; also known as ... Views: 1887
Are you Starving Your Brain?
Feeling Flat? Exhausted? Lethargic?
Feed Your Brain!
Did you know…
In the average human, the brain consumes about 17% of the body’s total energy but accounts for only 3% of bodyweight.
Dietitians suggest you ... Views: 2512
Your Brain is Hot
Through human evolution, humans lost their body hair to compensate for the excess heat produced by the brain.
Researchers looking for the reason humans have much less body hair than other mammals have discovered the human brain produces a lot of heat. So the ... Views: 1877
Programming and the Law of Attraction
What is the right way to program?
My clients have continuously asked me about the various ways to program. Once you understand programming, you can literally program your subconscious while you are walking down the street. You probably already do this ... Views: 1790
Another year has passed and you are still doing those rotten things you were doing last year. Don’t worry. If you did not know, less than 5% of people that make New Year Resolutions keep them until the following year. It is virtually a license to cheat yourself. Time is passing you by.
How to ... Views: 2387
What exactly is the “photographic memory”?
The elusive photographic memory; ever experienced it? Chances are you may have come across it in grandiose Hollywood films and television shows. Furthermore, the photographic memory is expressed in such a way that it seems both superhuman and ... Views: 2520
What is Your Universe?
What are Your Limits?
Discover Yourself!
What is a Lesson?
When people tell you aboutlearning lessons, what does that mean to you? How would you go about learning lessons if you do not have an understanding of what alessonis, or what lessons are about? ... Views: 2059
Soar with Eagles
Roost with Chickens
When my clients start working with me to gain the objectives of improving their life, one of the first things I ask is, “How many people have direct influence over your life, such as your spouse, children, friends, relatives, etc.?” This lays ... Views: 1863
Welcome to Australia
Visit the mysterious Land Down-Under, and while you are here,
Learn How to Exercise Your Brain
The eBrain Executive Seminar is returning to Victoria, Australia. Make your reservations now! Stay a while longer and turn your trip ... Views: 2213
Get Smart and Pass Exams
Mental Photography for Students
Mental Photography for students allows students of all ages to benefit through the increase in brain power. What you need is a tool to clear your mind to allow you to focus on your goal.
How Long We Study Has Nothing to Do with ... Views: 2515
Preparing for a College Degree…
What preparations do you make for your education?
I often get asked what students should do to prepare themselves forstudy in high school, then in college towards getting a degree. Well, that does sound like a nice tidy little package, right? ... Views: 2235
Horse Sense
Quiet Intelligence is Quite Intelligent
Insights from the animal world can give us a better picture of humanity.
Manypeople have pets. Often times they give their pets human characteristics, even though their pets are not human. Do your pets seem to want to be like ... Views: 2286
What if I handed you a pot full of gems? Choose 1
Brain Game
Put on your thinking cap! It is time to exercise yourgrey matteragain. By the way, that does actually mean I am talking about your brain. I don’t want you to think that I am patronizing you. I just like to let you know what I ... Views: 1894
Soar with Eagles
Roost with Chickens
When my clients start working with me to gain the objectives of improving their life, one of the first things I ask is, “How many people have direct influence over your life, such as your spouse, children, friends, relatives, etc.?” This lays ... Views: 2027
Success, Failure, and Lessons in Self Improvement
“Wherever you are, that is where you are meant to be, experiencing the things you were meant to experience.”
A client recently contacted me asking about test taking. His main concern was that he did not want to fail a certain test. During the ... Views: 1733
Now that you are in a New Year, it is time to finesse your resolutions for success
How to Make New Year Resolutions
You have heard it all before:
Eat less
Stop smoking
Exercise more
Be nice to people
…and so on.
STOP already! It is the same thing each year. You make a ... Views: 1953
Wanted: 100 People for Change
(If You are completely happy with your life, don’t waste your time reading this.)
I am looking for 100 people that are unhappy with their life, AND are willing to do anything it takes to make it better.
◊ Would you… cover yourself in honey and stand in ... Views: 2068
Your Search For Happiness
Are You Truthful When You Say that You are Happy?
Most people actually do not know what it means to be happy, or what it takes to get there. The easiest example of this is the Self Improvement Industry. The Self Improvement industry caters to Unhappy people. It is ... Views: 1985
Disasters hit us on all levels of life. It can be the latest hurricane, earthquake, tidal wave, or any other natural disaster; it can be personal tragedy or it can be something small like dropping that ‘first cup of coffee’ on the floor as you are running out the door – you just know you are ... Views: 2426
Developmentitus affecting you?
Self-Developmentitus – prevent yourself from suffering.
Self-Developmentitus is Affecting your Life
Some people can lose their effectiveness (Developmentitus) while pursuing the “better me” within. Determine what you want in life. Difficulties and obstacles ... Views: 1860
Your Children are Teaching you – They are Genius!
Photographic Memory – Secrets to Success.
The Photographic Memory is also known as the ‘Eidetic Memory’.
Photographic memory; what is it? You walk around everyday with a big secret setting on you shoulders and you don’t even know that ... Views: 2210
Pheromones – Elixir or Myth?
Some of you may find this article intriguing. Some may find it disgusting. And some may just find it a bit “on the nose”! But, you need to think, where would we all be without our olfactory sense?
“Opposites attract” is a law of attraction, at least where ... Views: 2406
INTEGRITY – Your Life Line
Integrity, what does integrity mean to you? I want you to make a list of the qualities that you believe develops or supports your integrity. It’s important that you don’t use others beliefs as your benchmark – you need to dig deep inside yourself and come up with ... Views: 3231
The Law of Attraction, I have been teaching that and using it for over 20 years, long before “The Secret” came out. It is based on ‘sympathetic vibration‘ and anything that disrupts this flow of energy will cause the flow to stop. The point is, you need to have clarity in order to be able to be ... Views: 2436
Depression will be my topic for today and its effects on the decision making process; and focus and its relationship to the Secret Law of Attraction. In my another article, I discussed gaining Clarity and the decision making process.
Let’s recap:
“The Law of Attraction is based on ... Views: 3634
The Secret Law of Attraction has a missing link, do you know what it is? The Secret Law of Attraction would be more effective if you have already tried a bunch of things or shall we say if you have already traveled the road. However, most people have not traveled the road yet, so how are they ... Views: 2364
Gain Clarity – Mental Photography can be used to learn how to “Manage Your Brain” so you will know exactly where you need to be in life.
To achieve this level of clarity, you will need to access your subconscious. Your subconscious literally provides the road-map to exactly where you should ... Views: 2613
The Secret Law of Attraction has a missing link, do you know what it is? The Secret Law of Attraction would be more effective if you have already tried a bunch of things or shall we say if you have already traveled the road. However, most people have not traveled the road yet, so how are they ... Views: 2422
Secret Law of Attraction, are you confused on how to use it?
Have you ever played connect-the-dots? In connect – the – dots, you have to connect the dots to create a picture of some ‘thing’ and you should use up as many of the dots as possible. In some cases, you could also follow the pre – ... Views: 4183
’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Learn from your experiences”. Whilst this is true, it is not necessarily true that you need to personally experience the lesson to any great degree in order to learn from it. It is possible for you to learn from the lessons’ that others have experienced and the ... Views: 2254
Young Children Learn …
When we were babies, the only way we knew how to learn was through the eidetic memory, which we refer to as the photographic memory. We managed to absorb tremendous amount of data and we learned even though we couldn’t read. We couldn’t understand speech and we couldn’t ... Views: 2424
Where is the Good News?
A World With Little Imagination and Aspiration Surrounds You!
Arm yourself – The time is nigh to protect yourself and all that you hold dear.
There is no better investment right now than investing in yourself and your skills and capabilities.
The times we are ... Views: 2298
The quote “Success is NOT gauged on what you have gained, but by what you have given up” is limited. In the Law of Attraction, if you think you have given up (or lost) something along the way, you automatically attract whatever you were unfortunate (or fortunate) enough to lose back into your ... Views: 2845
Mental Photography
Infinite Instant Information
ZOX Pro Training …
When people first look at ZOX Pro Training, what are they looking for? Unless they have heard of some of the more outlandish occurrences, most will be looking at gaining the ability to assimilate ... Views: 3474
Money and Wealth
Many people subconsciously believe that accumulating money and wealth is impossible to achieve. This is untrue and I am here to help you understand that your mind is the only thing that is keeping you from reaching your goals.
This article may contain information that you ... Views: 2741