Are you being a good friend? Do you have friends that you appreciate? Would you like to improve your friendships? Is your loving partner your best friend?
As a Marriage, Family Therapist for 27 years, I helped many people resolve issues with their friends and create healthier friendships. The ... Views: 1640
Many people are joyously singing “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” I love that song and I totally believe in what it is telling us. I am convinced that when we human beings who inhabit this world experience inner peace, then, and only then will we actualize long ... Views: 1700
How do you really feel about your Mom? Are you experiencing a deep love and compassion for her? Or do you just feel loyalty and obligation? Are you one of those people who always want to please your Mom? Or are you filled with so much anger and resentment that you avoid them, or rebel by doing ... Views: 1873
Do you allow others to do and say things to you that do not feel good? Would you like to establish new patterns to deal with the problem?
Everyone needs to set healthy boundaries. This is a gift to others and you. By allowing people to act in ways that are not appropriate, you actually hurt ... Views: 3165
Are you suspicious of your loved one's loyalty? Do you sometimes think about having an affair? Are you feeling guilty for having extra-marital relationships? According to the statistics, if you answered "yes" to any of the above, you are not alone. Reports indicate that 60 percent of men and 40 ... Views: 1732
Are you ready to feel good about yourself? That is the key to health, happiness, fulfilling relationships, and success.
Negative thoughts hurt your self-esteem and positive thoughts help you feel good. To raise your self-esteem, say, sing, or write the following 50 affirmations (positive ... Views: 1384
Are you frustrated with your employees and wonder what you can do to improve their efficiency and reduce your stress? Would you like to be more successful as a boss, manager, etc.?
Are you an employee and you want to enjoy working with your superiors, reduce your stress, and be more effective? ... Views: 1854
HELENE ROTHSCHILD, MS, MA, MFT, is a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, teacher, workshop facilitator, and speaker. Visit for more free articles, free newsletter, and a Personal Success online course. “I don’t understand,” said ... Views: 1502
HELENE ROTHSCHILD, MS, MA, MFT, is a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, teacher, workshop facilitator, and speaker. Visit for more free articles, free newsletter, and a Personal Success online course. Jan loved her husband and three children, and ... Views: 1595
HELENE ROTHSCHILD, MS, MA, MFT, is a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, teacher, workshop facilitator, and speaker. Visit for more free articles, free newsletter, and a Personal Success online course. 12 Keys to Successful Parenting
AN OPEN LETTER ... Views: 1895
HELENE ROTHSCHILD, MS, MA, MFT, is a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, teacher, workshop facilitator, and speaker. Visit for more free articles, free newsletter, and the Personal Success online course. Do you feel disappointed and like a failure ... Views: 1041