Energy is always changing. We can see that very simply in the seasons, time of day, and how one reacts to these changes. In a specific form of feng shui analysis (flying star), a feng shui master can evaluate how energy in a space impacts one. The forecast below is a generalized summary of the ... Views: 1613
In these challenging economic times the word “Abundance” seems obscure. Why is that? Is it because we only associate abundance with money? Webster defines “Abundance” as “fullness to overflowing, a great or plentiful amount.” So what does abundance mean to you? Once you define “Abundance” ... Views: 1271
Meditation is very difficult. To quiet the mind for even a few seconds is challenging let alone for 30 minutes. So why even do it? Meditation is not only a healthy practice but an access point to our higher self where we can access guidance from our spirit guides. Sounds like a worthwhile ... Views: 1121
How to use Feng Shui to create a private sanctuary and renew your soul
There are 7 key design components to incorporate in your room décor in order to soothe the mind, body and soul.
In traditional Chinese culture, a specific room, preferably towards the center of the home, is designated ... Views: 1457
Do you ever feel like a gray cloud is constantly hovering over you? Do you feel no matter what you do it seems to be a struggle? One of the most common reasons for stagnancy in life is clutter. When energy is stuck in a physical sense it has far reaching effects on every aspect of our being. ... Views: 1431
I first wrote this article just prior to leaving for a trip out to California to visit some friends, and decided to bring the draft with me to review on the flight out. I remember thinking there was something missing from the article, as if the words were just that…WORDS. I decided to ... Views: 1247
At the core of all feng shui lies the subtle beauty of nature; all of its essence exudes a level of harmony and balance unparalleled. The age-old principles of feng shui are based on these laws and acknowledge the ever-changing interaction and connection between human beings and their ... Views: 1311