Are you an aspiring athlete or coach looking for an edge that will take you or your team to the next level without the aid of chemical enhancements? Are you frustrated because the old adage "practice makes perfect" is simply not working? We know that you have been searching far and wide without ... Views: 1541
How To Liberate Your Mind To Transition Your Soul
H.E.R.U. is a new book written by Professor MOmOH of the Dohgon University Of Thought and coauthored by college student Rick Morris Jr. In this latest book Professor MOmOH reveals why he is the only man that has all the answers to any question ... Views: 2332
How To Reverse Your Gullibility
Gullible means easily fooled, easily led, and easily deceived. Gullible is also associated with the following: overly trusting in religious beliefs, trusting in cultural arrogance, and relying solely on theoretical (not FACTUAL) definitions of ... Views: 3260
Numbers vs Numerology
The difference between Natural Numbers and Numerology is that Numerology is based on sacred geometry. It is structure-based, which means it is manipulative. (Any structure can be formulated and reformulated according to your perspective).
The problem is numerology ... Views: 2215
In order to have any complete and therefore potentially healing understanding of our present abominable deaducation system, we must understand what lANKHuage is:
lANKHuage tunes the holographic kaleidoscope to a certain perspectival channel devoid of understanding what lANKHuage really ... Views: 1555
ADHD is attention deficit hyper disorder. It affects children. ADD is the adult label of conditions that impair people from the self-inner control that shows the maturity for stability. People with these conditions can be very unstable, but the instability varies in degrees of severity.
In ... Views: 1805