With all the turmoil in the world it’s very easy to get off track or out of balance with one’s life. The truth is, even when there’s little turmoil, it’s still easy to become out of touch with what’s really important in one’s life.
So, when experiencing this disconnectedness, how does one get ... Views: 1943
At this time of year many of us begin a process of reflecting on the past year and creating intentions for the coming new year. It’s a natural process based on our innate desire to become who we are meant to be in this life. As I begin this process, it strikes me that we are in a constant state ... Views: 1468
The third step on the path to becoming all that you are in this life, is realizing we are all one! I don’t just mean this in the way you might think. Realizing something is the act of making it real or manifesting it in your life. So, not only is this about understanding that we are all one, but ... Views: 3348
On our journey toward greater awareness, the second step is about finding our identity. At some point in our life, for most of us, there comes a time when we ask the question, "Who am I?"
It may not come to us just like that, but it comes in some form or another. The first step in the ... Views: 3249