We all have the Potential to be healers
Dark energy is all around and inside everyone. Everyone has access to it and has the potential to be a healer. Everything is energy, humans are energy beings and all problems can be corrected energetically. The roots of human problems are attachment to ... Views: 2262
Universal Life Cycle
In late 2011, a trio of scientists discovered that since the big bang happened, the universe is expanding at an increasing pace, not decreasing like previously thought! As long as the expansion is increasing in speed, all life encompassed by the universe is subject to a ... Views: 2698
1. Find a quiet place as free of distractions as possible, no telephones, no computers or TV - in nature is preferable.
2. Sit or stand comfortably in a relaxed manner, then close your eyes. With standing your energy is highest, sitting it is lower and lying is lowest. Lying is often not ... Views: 1305
I’ve been pondering this for quite some time and think we don’t understand our physical symptoms from our body because of how we feel about them. Most people consider their symptoms as a nuisance, undesired, unwanted and feel they cause them pain. So it is understandably a natural desire and ... Views: 2699