I am a believer who struggled with co-dependency and alcohol. The first time I was exposed to the Twelve Steps, it was in Alcoholics Anonymous and they gave me sobriety from alcohol. I was on the 4th step working this program, when my sponsor sent me to Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA), and ... Views: 1862
From Chapter 6 of my book Spiritual Infusion:Twelve Step Recovery and Revival Inside and Outside The church, you will find my study and commentary into the depth of this marvelous prayer and what it offers us in recovery.
This is the long-form of the Prayer and warrants study of the words so ... Views: 2932
My Spiritual Journey in Recovery
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost influenced my personal interpretation that I wrote for my ENG 190, Arizona Western College 1996. I hope you enjoy and feel the depth of my passion in recovery.
“The Road Not Taken revealed the message to me, that if I ... Views: 1687
Did you ever hear this statement made around the rooms of recovery? Did you ever wonder where those statistics came from? Well I have a revelation for you. Read this and receive it. Ask your self where the other nine are? Go to the lost sheep!
This is where the sponsor should come into your ... Views: 2208
Chapter 1 - Study of How It Works (p.13-15 Spiritual Infusion)
Here is a simple study approach to use. I learned it when attending an Inductive Bible Study course. It involves three basic skills: observation, interpretation, and application. (1) Observation answers the question: What does the ... Views: 2444