We could hear the pounding in our hearts. We could feel the vibration in our beings. Once again two countries had come together in the name of peace. Only this time around, the bridge of heart to heart connections (as I call it), between the Americans and the people of Panama was about giving ... Views: 3325
Embracing life's most difficult moments
New challenges erupt, new skills unfold,
Change is the only thing that never changes
Truly life flows best when we adjust to it.
Passing through one stage to another
Sometimes takes a gentle shove,
Difficult times can only get better
when transformation ... Views: 1851
Among my memories of growing up is a clear black and white picture of a Korean mother squatting next to her small son surrounded by barren, devastated countryside. The caption underneath reads, "Where will their food come from now?" Printed by our Sunday "Journal" during the Korean War, the ... Views: 2004
A sound wave, an image, a dazzling light,
Opening the mind to new insight,
Musing thoughts remind me of when
Counting our blessings was so "in."
Keep your eye on higher things
Watching love's beauty spread its wings,
Live in the moment, be in the present,--
Life is a reflection of the I AM.
I ... Views: 2191
Have you ever caught yourself vigorously complaining about something you felt you couldn't do anything about? Have you ever told yourself you needed to quit complaining, only to find yourself in the same old complaining scenario the very next day? I'm not talking about dissatisfaction that ... Views: 2135
Every time someone said something nice to me or did something nice for me, my Mother would pose the question, "what do you say?" She made it easy for me to remember to say thank you, and created the habit I still have today. I chuckle when I hear other parents prompt their children, ... Views: 2823