One of my passions is female hairline reconstruction. A large reason why is that it is one of the technically most challenging and artistically demanding parts of the head to do and to do right. Unlike a male hairline in which all the hairs angle perfectly straight forward, the female hairline ... Views: 3419
Eyebrow Hair Transplant Surgery Explained
As an excellent hair transplant procedure to the scalp can frame an aged-appearing face, strong eyebrows can frame an eye to make it look more attractive and rejuvenated. Eyebrow hair transplants have begun to come into vogue now that techniques and ... Views: 1772
Before female hair loss can be treated effectively with medication and or surgical hair transplantation, a physician must engage in appropriate dialogue with a woman to determine what causes may be accounting for her hair loss so as to safely rectify or improve her condition.
Many starting ... Views: 2099