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One thing leads to another, like the beads of my mala.
A mala is a string of beads similar to the Catholic rosary beads.
Like the rosary, the beads of the mala aid in prayer or meditation.
One prayer, one meditative chant, one meditative thought leads to another until the prayer, chant, ... Views: 995
May I ask a personal question?
Be honest now….
If you went to the doctor and he told you that your symptoms were all in your head, would you be insulted?
Or, if your doctor, who looks like a Junior High School kid, told you that the dark spot that had popped up on your face was merely a ... Views: 1012
My father was, as the saying goes, a “Jack of all trades and Master of none.” I’m told that he was a truck driver when he and my mother met.
Within my personal memory – and I was the youngest of four children – he worked in heavy construction, farming, as an auto mechanic, insurance salesman, ... Views: 1084
De mortuis nil nisi bonum
Wow, Latin. I hope you are sufficiently impressed.
Ideas just sound better – or look better in writing – when they are expressed in Latin. The dead language gives the simplest thought a gravitas that it wouldn’t have in English.
In fact, I have a slim volume ... Views: 1089
Have you ever found yourself wondering what you are going to be when you grow up?
Read that sentence again carefully. Notice that is in the future tense. Since it is in the future tense, it may seem a strange question to address to Baby Boomers but let’s think about it a minute.
When you ... Views: 906
There is truth and there is truth. Sometimes the context in which you tell the truth, or withhold the truth, is as important as the truth itself.
I suspect that nowhere is this more true than in your relationships with your adult children and their children.
Now, I know that as a ... Views: 1558
Aesop got it right.
You remember the old fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant? It was attributed to Aesop who, according to tradition, was a slave back in ancient Greece.
The story involved a Grasshopper who wasted time fiddling around while the dutiful Ant laid in stores for the coming ... Views: 1051
Do you have a family Bible? I’ve been feeling nostalgic of late and one of the memories that I’ve raked up from my subconscious is the memory of the old family Bible.
I don’t have the physical Bible – my sister, the eldest in the family and my only living relative, inherited it. But I have ... Views: 775
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
Do you remember this old round? It was a staple in Sunday ... Views: 861
The Invention of a Lie?
I guess I don’t have a sophisticated funny bone.
When I watched Ricky Gervais’s "The Invention of Lying" I didn’t find it “explosively funny” as, according to the DVD cover, David Edelstein, the "New York" critic did. I didn’t even find it “a remarkably radical ... Views: 1123
Blown Away
When I was ten years old, my home was blown away by a tornado. I’m telling you this, not is a bid for sympathy, but to make a point.
I have noticed over the years that many people who have experienced a trauma like that seem morbidly fearful that it’s going to happen again. Any ... Views: 989
“Memories may be beautiful and yet, what’s too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget.”
I came upon an interesting article in the April 2011 issue of "Discover" magazine. The article, written by Carl Zimmer, talked about the importance of our memories. The blurb says: “Rich ... Views: 1188
Why should an activity that offers us mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits be limited to youth? Is there some immutable law that says that when a person passes the age of sixty, they no longer want or need to have sex?
While it is true that the biologic imperative to reproduce ... Views: 932
What is the difference between a routine and a rut? Is the series of actions that you are currently undertaking a routine or a rut?
There is something in all of us that seeks to organize our time. For some of us, that organization is necessary to move us through a busy and demanding schedule. ... Views: 2162
I have come to the end of a long series of articles based on and summarizing Napoleon (Why do I always think of Napoleon Solo when I type that name?) Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich
I started the series with mixed motives, to be quite honest. At this stage in my life, when I am unemployed ... Views: 819
I had a minor crisis in my household last night. I went into the laundry room to feed the cats and found the floor in the southeast corner of the laundry room flooded with water. The southeast wall of the laundry room is the southwest wall of the kitchen, along which the sink, dishwasher, and ... Views: 733
Long before Napoleon Hill wrote his book Think and Grow Rich, long before the Great Depression that inspired Hill’s earnest book, long before World War I, Nobel prize laureate Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem entitled IF:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and ... Views: 770
It’s an old joke, but it’s not very funny: A person is expressing doubts about his or her ability to achieve his goals. A friend seeks to encourage him by saying, “Oh, come on! You have to think positive.” To which the person responds, “Okay, I’m positive I can’t do it!”
Strong ... Views: 697
Remember Alfred E. Neuman, the iconic mascot of Mad magazine? His signature comment was well reflected in his appearance: What, me worry? It has been said that his face was the face of a person who didn’t have a care in the world, except maybe mischief.
Most of us are either not as fortunate ... Views: 827
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear… is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
With those words of his first inaugural address, Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought to ... Views: 653
The final chapter in Napoleon Hill’s classic book, Think and Grow Rich, is about fear. The book was written just after the Great Depression when there was a lot of fear in the hearts and the minds of the American people.
We have recently been through a difficult economic period and we are ... Views: 695
The Thirteenth principle listed in Napoleon Hill’s classic book, Think and Grow Rich, is known as the Sixth Sense, through which Infinite Intelligence may, and will communicate voluntarily. This is the apex, the top rung, if you will, of the ladder of success outlined by Hill. A word of warning, ... Views: 755
In his classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill likens the human brain to a radio. It is, he says, both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of thought. When Hill wrote his book, the analogy to a radio was cutting edge technology. But that is no longer the case.
I am ... Views: 806
Subconscious Spam
The Subconscious mind consists of a field of consciousness in which every impulse of thought that reaches the objective mind through any of the five senses, is classified and recorded, and from which thoughts may be recalled or withdrawn.
Think of it as the email of your ... Views: 859
Let’s get it right out there in the open. We are going to be talking about SEX today. But before you scroll through this article looking for the salacious parts to highlight or cut and paste, let me prick your bubble. There will not be any salacious parts. Instead, we are going to talk ... Views: 2038
I tried a new recipe for lunch today. The recipe was kind of like a Definite Plan. I had a “Master Mind” group working with me toward the goal of a palatable lunch. That group consisted of myself, my mother (now deceased) who taught me to cook, the unknown person who developed the recipe, and ... Views: 792
Have your ever wondered what mystical power gives some people the capacity to surmount seemingly insurmountable barriers, master difficulties that make our piddling problems pale in comparison, or simply SUCCEED in whatever they attempt to do?
Is there some form of spiritual, mental or ... Views: 712
If you have ever dieted unsuccessfully, you will know that your lack of persistence reveals itself in late night snacking, cheating, scale avoidance, and tight clothes.
If you have been unsuccessful at maintaining an exercise regimen, your lack of persistence is evidenced in continued ... Views: 648
Have you ever gone on a diet or started a new exercise routine? Were you successful at losing all the weight you wanted to lose or building the muscle or strength you wanted to build? If so, why? And if not, why not? What was the most important factor in the success or failure of your diet or ... Views: 769
Do you dither? Flip-flop? Delay making a decision for fear that you will make a mistake? Do you put off making decisions until you have ALL the information or until conditions are RIGHT?
You are not alone. In fact, so many of us have this same problem that lack of decision is near the head of ... Views: 801
Pop quiz!
We are well into the second month of 2011, so it is time to ‘fess up. How many of you made New Years’ resolutions? Let’s see a show of hands. Okay. Now, of those of you who made New Years’ resolutions, how many of you have kept those resolutions thus far? Hands up. Uh-huh.
Well, ... Views: 944
You shouldn’t let all these causes of failure discourage you. Think of it this way: they are like termites. They might be eating away at the foundations of all your efforts but once you know that they are there, you can take measures to eradicate them.
With that little pep talk out of the ... Views: 854
Have you had – or taken – the opportunity to evaluate yourself in terms of the ten major causes of failure that we listed yesterday?
If you found this task onerous or found it difficult to be honest with yourself, you might consider asking someone who knows you well to go over the list with ... Views: 941
It is a part of life’s tragedy – and unfairness – that millions of men and women earnestly try, work hard, and yet fail while only a few people succeed. The old saying that “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” seems true.
In preparation for his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon ... Views: 915
When I was a kid, we children were told on occasion – usually special occasions – to mind our Ps and Qs. When I was younger, I thought those initials referred to peas and carrots and I could see the sense of minding the Ps. Peas were sneaky little dickens and would roll off your fork and scatter ... Views: 751
Napoleon Hill, in his classic Think and Grow Rich, delineates the attributes of a leader and those factors that cause failure in leadership. These sections, and his advice on developing a “Master Mind” group are moving us toward the goal of selling ourselves. For many of us, that means applying ... Views: 673
Just as there are specific traits or attributes of successful leaders, there are also factors which will sabotage one's leadership efforts and lead to failure. According to Napoleon Hill, these negative factors are a catalog of what NOT to do:
1. INABILITY TO ORGANIZE DETAILS Mastery of ... Views: 643
Steps One Through Five
Let’s recount the steps toward riches that Napoleon Hill lists in his classic book, Think and Grow Rich.
4.Specialized Knowledge
The Sixth Step: Planning
Now we come to the sixth step: ... Views: 2315
A Secret
Shhh! I’ve got a secret to share with you.
Well, actually, it is not a ‘secret’ at all. As Napoleon Hill points out in his classic Think and Grow Rich,
Nature, herself, advertises it on the earth on which we live, the stars, the planets suspended within our view, in the ... Views: 775
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may ... Views: 712
A Simple Solution
“It’s a simple solution…you change one thing, and suddenly you’ve changed everything.”
—Rebecca Onie, founder of Health Leads, which places student volunteers in urban clinics, assisting patients with housing, food, legal aid and other basic needs.
The quote above caught ... Views: 659
“I think I can”, that mantra of the Little Engine That Could is auto-suggestion.
Auto-suggestion is the communicating link between the conscious mind, where thought takes place, and the subconscious mind, which is the seat of action.
More simply put, you cannot do anything ... Views: 992
Be Careful
You’ve undoubtedly heard the adage to be careful what you wish for. The same is true of our thoughts. Be careful of the thoughts that you allow to roll around in your head.
According to Napoleon Hill in his classic Think and Grow Rich(again using all caps as he did) “ALL IMPULSES ... Views: 688
Okay, okay, I know – I already did an article in this “How To Build A Better World” series on belief and belief is the same thing as faith, isn’t it?
Some of you may even be beginning to think that this is sounding altogether too preachy.
Well, don’t cross your arms over your chest and get ... Views: 676
I have a relative that sends me a subscription to Guideposts for Christmas every year.
Call me a snob, but having studied theology and because I really enjoy the tough mental workout that it takes to do theology and make sense of it, I tend to be somewhat dismissive of Guideposts. Its ... Views: 837
Suspend disbelief/Extend belief
It is said that nature abhors a vacuum and I believe that the same is true of the human mind.
When we suspend disbelief, we have to do it wisely and put something in its place lest we become credulous fools.
So what do we put in place of disbelief? The ... Views: 691
Inspiring Stories
Remember the story of Edwin C. Barnes, who had a burning desire to go into partnership with Thomas Edison? It didn’t happen right away, but it did happen.
What about U.R. Darby? Do you recall that story? He and his uncle gave up and quit digging for gold just three feet ... Views: 802
How To Fail Without Really Trying
Thomas Edison, with whom Edwin C. Barnes was so determined to work, once said that “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
A case in point is cited in Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”. I ... Views: 835
Does the world revolve around money?
My son, currently a stocker (that’s s-t-o-c-k-e-r, not s-t-a-l-k-e-r) at Walmart, was listening to NPR at breakfast one morning recently and bemoaning the idea that everything seems to revolve around money.
It does seem that way at times. We have just ... Views: 804
Food For Thought
Have you ever thought about thought? Think about it.
In my current recreational fiction (I have several great American novels in various states of completion), I have a character say that words are just the sounds that thoughts leave behind. I think this is true even of the ... Views: 933