There are many different symptoms of stress. Many of us focus only on the mental symptoms or feelings of being "stressed-out". But there are also many symptoms that are physical as well. This can become confusing because without the help of a doctor, it's difficult to know if the physical ... Views: 1305
Stress management for teens can be tricky, especially if their stress is displayed by aggressive behavior or through withdrawing from family or friends. So before you approach your teen about their stress, or go overboard in punishing them for the way they display their stress, take a step back ... Views: 2419
There are many fun ways to relieve stress. All you have to do is get creative and ask yourself, "What do I like to do for fun?"
One of the ways you can have fun and relieve stress is through exercise. I know, I know, I can hear you groaning now. But exercise doesn't have to be difficult or ... Views: 3925
Why is using a Stress Management Journal a good idea for me?
There are many reasons. One is that it gives you an outlet to write out your feelings, vent, and work out some conflicts on paper. You can write anything you want because nobody has to see it but you... unless you decide ... Views: 1542
New Years Resolutions, for most people, are forgotten quickly. Most of us have trouble following through with the promises we make to ourselves each year. However, there are ways to create stress-free New Years Resolutions that work.
Why write Resolutions?
When you write a New Years ... Views: 1157
While everyone reacts to situations differently, some of the biggest causes of stress today are common among a lot of us. But the truth is, even though these things are labeled as "causes of stress" the only thing that can actually cause your stress is YOU.
Your belief system will dictate ... Views: 1484
Stress. Stress creeps into all parts of our lives when we let it. We can even be stressed when we're happy. But when we're sad, stress seems magnified like our lives are moving in slides on the big screen.
And stress will kick us when we're down. If we're sad, depressed, anxious, angry, or ... Views: 1579