An associate at work insisted I read "The Shack." He wouldn't give me many details of the book but did say it revealed God's grace in personal tragedy. After a few false starts, I was able to finally start the book.
Not being a great fan of Christian novels, I was immediately disappointed ... Views: 1513
The folks who said, “Hold on to your Confederate Money boys, the South will rise again,” were the brunt of many a joke over the years. Now however, the wise ones who kept their paper are laughing all the way to the bank. The South hasn’t declared its independence again, but the value of ... Views: 1708
The philosophy of self-esteem is probably the most influential doctrine to arrive on the scene in Christendom's recent history. At least in my lifetime, it has had as much affect, if not even more, on evangelical Christianity than the modern tongues movement that surfaced in the late 1960's. ... Views: 2434
In 1983, President Reagan wrote an essay for the "Human Life Review" entitled, "Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation." This brief writing of his pro-life philosophy was published in book form a year later. It was expanded to approximately to 95 pages with lengthy afterwords by Surgeon ... Views: 1179
Attention Deficit Disorder, otherwise known as ADD, has evolved over the years. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) identifies three main characteristics of the disorder: inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. While ADD stresses the inattention ... Views: 13750
If one didn’t look at the title of Dr. Tyler’s book, “Jesus Christ: Self-Denial or Self-Esteem,” they might think they were reading a book about the life of Christ instead of a refutation of the self-esteem movement. Dr. Tyler takes a different approach that’s ... Views: 1193
John Broger's "Self-Confrontation" manual is probably the most exhaustive work available today to help the Christian conform their lives to be more like Christ. Even though the book is titled "Self-Confrontation," Broger accurately refers to the book as one of "self-condemnation." He ... Views: 2639
It seems everyone you meet these days is a self-proclaimed psychologist. From radio talk shows, television interviews, romance novels, weekly magazines, to cliques at work; everybody has an opinion on the latest “mental illness.” I was first introduced to practical psychology when I joined the ... Views: 3566
Competency in Counseling
There is no shortage of advice-givers in today’s society. Actually, it seems no matter where you turn, you hear someone giving advice or counsel on one issue or another. Frequently it’s hard to try and avoid those wanting to give advice. To prove my point, simply ... Views: 2378
After a recent trip to Dahlonega, Georgia, I became obsessed with wanting to know more about the U.S. Mint that had been there and its history. To say that "The Neighborhood Mint: Dahlonega in the Age of Jackson" by Sylvia Head, Elizabeth W. Etheridge, gave me all the information I ever wanted ... Views: 1098