What are your company’s core values? If you can’t answer that, it’s worth taking some time to figure it out. One of my clients recently asked about how core values should come into play when hiring and firing, and it got me thinking about the importance of the overall concept.
Core values ... Views: 1097
I write about amazing customer service experiences that I encounter so others can learn from them. And, bad customer experiences can be learning experiences as well – they are examples of what not to do. Two bad experiences recently highlighted the fact that some people refuse to be flexible ... Views: 1124
Learning experiences are everywhere, and in customer service, you can learn from the bad experiences as well as the good. I had a bad experience the other night, while having dinner at a favorite restaurant.
Even if you are not in the restaurant business, don’t stop reading – bad service can ... Views: 2797
Ah, Black Friday … the day after Thanksgiving, quite possibly the busiest shopping day of the year. I ventured out to a very busy shopping mall on Black Friday this year and watched the salespeople and the customers. Here are my observations.
Even if you’re not a retailer, read on. There are ... Views: 951
Customers want choice. For many businesses, an important aspect of keeping customers satisfied is giving them options to tailor the product or service to their liking.
Recently I went to a pizza restaurant where you can customize your pizza by choosing from a list of many toppings. And the ... Views: 946
To be the most effective, customer service must constantly evolve and keep up with changing trends. Here are three strategies for successful customer service today:
No. 1: Connect through Social Media
Like it or not, social media is here to stay, and you must find ways to make it work for ... Views: 947
I occasionally receive the question, “What’s the difference between customer service and customer experience?”
The simple answer to that question used to be that customer service formed the basis of the customer experience. A customer’s main interaction with a business was a person-to-person ... Views: 1084
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises.
He is not dependent on us.
We are dependent on him.
He is not an interruption of our work.
He is the purpose of it.
He is not an outsider to our business.
He is part of it.
We are not doing him a favor by serving him …
He is ... Views: 1129
On a recent trip back to St. Louis, I recognized the flight attendant from a previous flight. I recalled her as being very nice, but this day she was not. She did not greet me as I boarded the plane, and similarly ignored, or was even unkind to the other passengers as well. She nearly knocked me ... Views: 1139
Have you ever had an extended hotel stay that you would describe as flawless, from beginning to end? I have. I stayed at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis for eight days while attending the National Speakers Association’s annual convention, and the stay exceeded my expectations in every way – the ... Views: 851
Often, what surprises me is that so many people seem to be surprised when they encounter good customer service. People call or email me to rave about the service they received from a particular store, restaurant or other business. Sometimes I understand their surprise – stories of truly ... Views: 783
Is customer service something you have to be born to do? Some would say it is a skill that can’t be taught, but, while some people are more naturally inclined to it, as long as the right attitude and desire are there, it is possible to teach customer service.
“Hire the attitude and train the ... Views: 621
“Customers don’t distinguish between you and the company you work for. To the customer’s way of thinking, you are the company.”
– Ron Zemke, Author, Service America
No matter how many new ideas business come up with, the basic principles of customer service never change. I first read this ... Views: 970
Do you truly believe in the product or service that you offer? Do you offer a money-back guarantee? To what lengths will you go to ensure your customer walks away satisfied?
If you are looking for a truly great example of customer service, look no further than Nordstrom’s. The retailer is known ... Views: 718
I recently received a glimpse into one company’s amazing handling of a customer complaint. Jeff Frank of Simplicity Sofas, an online furniture retailer, shared with me an email exchange that occurred when a customer had a problem with her sofa. A bit of background first – Simplicity Sofas uses ... Views: 786
Like many people, I pay for my cable TV, phone and Internet service through one company. It’s a deal called “bundling” and generally saves the customer money. I signed up for the service when the company offered me an incentive to switch that was quite a bit less than what I was paying ... Views: 733
Among all the strategies for delivering amazing customer service, one of the most powerful is quick response.
Customers want it, and they want it now – no matter what “it” is. Over time, customers have become programmed to expect things fast, and now they become impatient if they have to wait. ... Views: 950
How would you picture the ideal work space for the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI)? I recently had the opportunity to work with this organization that supports its members (customers) who run dive centers and resorts around the world, and its offices were perfectly suited ... Views: 735
Have you created a “customer board of directors”? I addressed the concept in my last article. A related strategy is creating a “customer service board of directors.” Adding the word “service” changes the makeup of the board somewhat, although both strategies come down to improving customer ... Views: 682
My latest book, “The Amazement Revolution,” describes seven customer service strategies, one of which aims to create a community of loyal customers. Some consider this an aspect of marketing strategy, but it really is a very customer-focused tactic. There are two ways to approach this. The first ... Views: 652
Ready for another customer service lesson from the airlines?
On Feb. 14, 2012, the airlines received a positive report from the Transportation Department’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics – the best December for on-time arrivals in 17 years. The report noted that flights arrived on time ... Views: 665
Did you ever wonder why a specific customer stopped doing business with your company? You realize one day that you have not seen a certain familiar face, or heard that customer’s voice for a period of time, and you speculate – did he or she move? Pass away? There are studies to tell you the ... Views: 647
A recent project of mine involved rating and comparing companies based on their level of customer service. I began with a basic rating scale of 1-5 (with one being bad and five excellent), but then I decided to get a bit more creative. I came up with descriptive names for the levels of ... Views: 689
Do your happy customers send more business your way? A successful sales technique is to ask satisfied customers for referrals, but an even better scenario is when the customers recommend your company to others without you even having to ask.
Imagine it … your phones ringing constantly with new ... Views: 689
I recently had the opportunity to have lunch with executives from Isle of Capri Casinos, Julia Carcamo (VP of Brand Marketing) and Jim White (VP of Guest Satisfaction). As we discussed customer service, they told me about an incident that occurred at one of their casinos. Their problem, and how ... Views: 643
Say “amazing” customer service, and what comes to mind? Best of the best? Try thinking of it in a new way – delivering customer service that is consistently above average. You might be thinking, that could mean just a little bit above the average. And you’re right – but the key word here is ... Views: 577
There are customer service lessons going on all around us. Many times all you have to do is watch and learn.
I was recently at the airport, working my way through the security line. As I and the other passengers waited for our turns to go through the metal detectors and X-ray machines, several ... Views: 919
In a recent interview I was asked how a small business owner can use customer service to compete when a big company comes to town. The little guy is fearful of being pushed out when a large national competitor known for low pricing sets up shop in his town. How can he survive? The business ... Views: 647
In a perfect customer service world, we would never have to tell a customer “no.” But in real life, there are situations in which it is unavoidable. No one likes to be told “no,” and it can create a negative environment that has to be overcome. Karen Leland and Keith Bailey address some reasons ... Views: 720
Would you rather work with people who hate what they are doing, or people who love what they are doing?
Obviously, it is more enjoyable to be around those who love what they are doing – their enthusiastic attitude is contagious, which makes the work environment better for everyone.
The ... Views: 1661
As a professional speaker, I have had the opportunity to address hundreds of clients in many different types of audiences about customer service. Most clients understand that customer service has evolved and is an important philosophy for a business. It is not simply the “complaint department,” ... Views: 982
The start of good customer service does not walk in the door with the customer – it should exist inside the organization before the customer even enters the picture. It should be the foundation of the company culture and form the basis for interaction among all employees. Attaining such a ... Views: 646
1. Experience your own customer service. If possible, personally mystery shop your own company. Find out how easy you are to do business with through your own experience. Sure, you can hire a company to do surveys and mystery shopping, but learning through your own experience can be an eye ... Views: 767
Companies care very much about the system that supports their customer service. This is typically an automated process or software program that helps companies deliver their customer service experience. For example, CRM software (customer relationship management) can help a company personalize ... Views: 591
The story you’re about to read is a five-star, scale of one to ten – give them an eleven – amazing customer service story.
First, some background. It’s obvious we’re in a tough economy, but somehow there are businesses that continue to charge higher prices than their competition. Department ... Views: 793
So, you want great customer service? You want to be treated with respect. You want your complaint resolved. You just want what is right – a good customer service experience.
For this short article let’s take a different approach. Rather than writing about how to deliver great customer ... Views: 611
Customer loyalty may not be what you think it is. Most people or companies claim to have great customer service and customer satisfaction scores, which they think leads to loyalty. However, these scores may be misunderstood.
On the contrary, customer service and customer satisfaction may ... Views: 680
One of the main topics in my speeches has been being an expert and having knowledge of your business. I always preach the benefits of expertise – how clients and customers will seek you out as a source of information. The goal is to have knowledge of your products, industry, etc., and to also be ... Views: 731
Recently a woman told me that because her company cut her pay by 30%, she would cut her effort (to the customer) by 30%. This discussion centered around “fear based” issues as a result of the economy, such as how to keep customers loyal, avoid price reductions, manage employee morale during ... Views: 625
The cliché goes: “We can learn from our mistakes.” And it is true, especially as it applies to customer service. No matter how good we are, nobody can be perfect, although it is a lofty goal. At anytime there can be issues, problems and complaints. I call these negative customer service issues ... Views: 703
The letter comes and it is a complaint from an unhappy customer. The customer tells the story in clear detail. It’s obvious, we made a mistake. This had nothing to do with an employee’s indifferent attitude. We just messed up.
What happens next is that we respond to the customer, hoping to ... Views: 984
The American Express Global Customer Service Barometer stated that 70% of Americans are willing to spend an average of 13% more with companies they believe provide excellent customer service. A recent Harris Interactive survey of more than 2,200 consumers indicated that 10% of consumers are ... Views: 940
One of the main topics in my speeches has been being an expert and having knowledge of your business. I always preach the benefits of expertise – how clients and customers will seek you out as a source of information. The goal is to have knowledge of your products,industry, etc., and to also be ... Views: 1144
The customer. Their expectations shape your strategies. Their needs govern your road map. They speak; you listen (or eavesdrop). The quality of their experience is the most important goal of your business.
Assistly calls it “Customer Wow.” It’s my call to action – my mantra – which is to ... Views: 1343
I wrote a poem. It goes like this…
Think like the buyer, not like the supplier.
That is it. That is the title, the poem, the whole thing. I would have written, “Think like the customer, not like the …” But, I couldn’t come up with a word to rhyme with customer!
What I mean by this ... Views: 1535
You can’t have great customer service without great internal service. As a reminder, the internal customer is anyone within our own organization who is dependent on us for anything. Taking care of this internal customer allows them to do their job, take care of another internal customer or ... Views: 2010
Some of my clients ask me if there is one simple thing they can share with their employees that will make the biggest impact for better customer service. This is not easy, as there is no quick fix for problem service or some miracle elixir that by magic will transform an organization into a ... Views: 1361