I view all of nature as an expression of Divine Source, of God. Nature, unlike a human with ego and painbody, is inherently balanced. When we accept the intelligence within nature, we can receive accurate guidance about almost anything that exists. An example is muscle testing to determine ... Views: 1646
WOW – You really can feel better! That is the title of a new e-book containing three guided meditations that almost anyone can do to significantly reduce, and even eliminate, suffering. Two of the processes work better with facilitation, whether with a friend, your own recording, or by ... Views: 1100
We’ve all heard that you can’t really love another until you love yourself – and that you can’t truly love yourself until you love others. Rather than being contradictory, both reflect the truth in the spiritual adage, “As within, so without.”
Love opens us to something greater than ego. Ego ... Views: 1122